View Full Version : Special Technique.

04-25-2011, 08:07 PM

Hi All
sorry i been v busy of late.
so no posting..
i have a little time off work for easter so i thought i would tell you about some machines i have purchased recently see pic above i have to say i have never been so happy with rotary machines as i have with these..they are special technique rotary machines,2 x slingshots and one tracker liner the red slingshot is rca its good for lining with big liners,and b and grey shading.also great for colour shading.it feels like a very well tuned coil machine.the other slingshot is great for seven mags and round shaders
soft at low volts and gets the ink in easily.i went to get a tattoo from my good friend a few weeks ago and i showed him the machine and he was interested so he said give it a go so he did 2 hours on some bio on my right sleeve..it felt very nice to be tattooed with and healed super quick and it looks sharp and nice. so i was very happy
about that.then last week i got the tracker liner i think it had been around for a while
and had been used by Bill for lining..this is superb for 3s -7s ive even lined with a nine
and it was no probs the care and thought that has gone in to these machines is second to none and they are each a work of art just to look at..Bill and Karen were a pleasure to deal with and i will be buying many more of his machines.
any questions i will do my best to answer.. happy easter folks.