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View Full Version : Bishop, the great. :D

05-03-2011, 09:58 AM
Just have to say that the Bishop is pretty awesome!
light weighted, quiet and trustworthy. Super smooth B&G.
And colors go in like with magic marker!
(Havenīt try to line with it)

+The picture inside is easy to change.

The website said that it speeds up tattoo process like 30% And i guess they are pretty much right! Such a joy to use. Have to buy the New Bishop (Or another old one :D)
Franco, You are the man!

05-03-2011, 01:55 PM
Glad you are happy with the purchase! You should post up some work you did with it when you get the chance. :) Hey even a how to on changing the photo, I know its not considered maintenance really but its good for people to see how easy many of these machines are to open and fix change, etc. Its funny how I know so many artists that are happy to make modifications or otherwise just take a apart a coil machine but for some their rotary machines are still too alien and are scared of even loosening a single screw.

05-03-2011, 10:21 PM
It is also unbelievable machine for lining with you will be very happy

05-08-2011, 08:21 PM
Thanks you guys, our website is soon to launch www.bishoprotary.com and soon after will be available a vast selection of how to videos including ones on proper lube techniques as well as how to maintain them and take apart to change image..Be on the look out!!