View Full Version : Chinese copies?

10-18-2010, 04:12 AM
Im so pissed @ the other artists where I work as I have been telling them for over 8months how good my rotary machines were and they all replied they would never be convinced...

Now... 1 month ago one of the artists bought an Ebay Chinese copy of a Neo and Swashdrive and now everybody is using them, blowing them up and would still rather buy the Ebay ones because they believe mine are too expensive? I have offered them to try mine but they are not interested.....Some people are so stupid..lol

Has anyone else tried the chinese models?

10-18-2010, 04:31 AM
My old mentor was the same. Moaned about me using my stigmas and slagged em off then I pop down the other week and he's got 3 Chinese stealth style machines.
I do think it's funny that more and more people are switching to rotaries now a few more big names are using them. Hehe

10-18-2010, 10:28 AM
Yep, the Chinese copy everything and most of it is crap. I purchased one of the copies of my machine just to check it out and when I tested it, it ran for almost 15 miin and gave up the ghost. Sure I contacted them and they sent out a replacement.....but why?
This is the problem in both our countries, and why Walmart has taken over.....people go cheap. Buy Canadian, buy American and keep our workers employed! The Chinese don't give a damn about anything but making money, they don't even value human life! Look at the lead in the tattoo needles, look at the lead in the children toys, look at the chemicals that kill their own children from baby formulas......Give me a break! Let's support us and screw the Chinese! I know it is hard sometimes to find products made in our countries anymore, why? because our fellow country men and women have put our manufactures out of business by buying the cheap import products!
Sorry to get up on my soapbox, but we need to wake up or Northamerica will become second to the Chinese.

10-18-2010, 11:55 AM
I have been thinking of buying up a bunch of the cheapest Rotary machines I can find on eBay from China and doing a video review and dissection of them for the forum.

Show why and what the crappy parts are and why they will break in no time flat. I have so far found some cheap knockoffs of The neotat, the swash drive, the swiss and the old trash can rotary. If anyone finds a knockoff of any other current system let me know. I think this would be kinda fun to put these things through their paces and make a puplic service announcement on YouTube.

Alie K
10-18-2010, 05:30 PM
I think that would be funny. Let's do it!

10-18-2010, 08:19 PM
fantastic idea!