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View Full Version : Swashdrive Whip advice?

12-07-2014, 03:02 PM
Hiya guys, i've made the decision to buy a Whip. I've used most top rotarys , and all have their idiosyncrasies. So with that being said is there any technique advice or maintenance tips to using the Swashdrive Whip? Thanks for your time! :)

01-09-2015, 06:34 PM
I have found that opening up the give all the way and running off the tip of the needle like you would a coil makes for a good lining experience. Also a good whip shader and color packer.

01-10-2015, 02:37 AM
I use mine a lot. Both with standard needles and carts. I keep the give clip opened all the way and run it between 8-10v. I do like using a weight on the armature while lining but most of the time I run it as is. It runs smooth and pretty quiet and can handle just about anything.