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01-20-2015, 10:00 PM
Are they even being made anymore? They were the hype that was going to change tattooing, right?

Mission Tattoo
01-20-2015, 10:42 PM
They did how many people are using rotaries

01-20-2015, 10:42 PM
It's not the arrow, it's the Indian.

01-21-2015, 04:58 AM
Hey they are/were great machines. I especially liked the hybrids with the motor packs. Also the give plugs made it a very versatile machine.

No they aren't made anymore, they have been knocked off by the Chinese however I doubt that the chine motor module is worth having.

Mission Tattoo
01-21-2015, 05:22 PM
I believe that numas were one of the first high end rotaries that changed the game in a way wich made it more of a tool and not necessarily about the craft of knowing your equipment

B.C. Smith
05-31-2015, 08:26 AM
Carson Hill created a great set of Machines with the Neumann N2 and Neumann Hybrid, I own them both, but even with the so called "Silent Compressors" it's just not super easy to use them in a studio, I still think they're pretty damn loud....at least the compressor is, the machines themselves sound off with a high audible pitch like a dentists drill, but that never bothered me, it was the low rumbling and air release noise from my Expensive Jun-Air Medical grade Compressor that annoyed me. When using Neumas I was always getting complimented on how much less it hurt and how quick and easy the work healed, personally I think it all hurts the same for the most part, but if the customer says it was a nicer experience, why not let them keep thinking that way. ;)

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B.C. Smith
05-31-2015, 08:36 AM

This was my setup when I was using Neumas for every day drivers. I even had a modified footswitch that would cut off air flow when the pedal was released.

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05-31-2015, 01:41 PM
I really liked the neumas. Esp the hybrids. What turns me off to n e machine though is the lack of customer service. Carson just dropped off the face of the earth basically n really didn't care n e more for the ppl or the machines that prob made him some real decent money. I contacted him about my neuma n his emails were short n cryptic at times until they just stopped. If u don't want to keep the business u started going or there were circumstances that stopped u from continuing, it would at least been nice for him to tell his customers. They will always b the catalyst for the rotary boom in my opinion n I really hope one day he comes back to it all n continues with the neuma. It's just unfortunate when u feel as if certain builders/companies r just a cash n grab type situation n u feel taken. There r so many stories as to y neumas just ended. It would b nice to know the real reason. I guess though now, it doesn't even matter. R.i.p. Neuma. Haha.

B.C. Smith
06-01-2015, 12:51 AM
Yeah it does suck that they kind of stopped out of nowhere, I always kept up with Carson's social media sites...so I assumed the death of Neuma was a combination of having their design ripped off, and Carson's skydiving accident, he was injured really bad, his leg was in one of those halo things with rods and screws...pretty gnarly.

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07-17-2015, 08:10 PM
i used them for a solid two years and had the same reactions from my customers as B.C. I sort of miss using them now even though ive had a few bishops for a few years now. just need a supply of the smaller hoses. i have an extra compressor still that is brand new for sale.

07-17-2015, 11:01 PM
Kyle I'll snag the compressor haha after years of talking about it.