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View Full Version : Bishop or Neotat?

07-26-2015, 12:26 PM
I know this has been discussed before. But I couldnt find any recent conversations concerning the 2. I have 3 Bishops, and just recently got a NeoTat Vivace 3.5 ( Hell City Edition ). I was wondering what you guys prefer and why? I havent really even used the NeoTat yet, because I've fallen in love with my bishops, lol. Is the Maxxon superior to the Mabuchi or vice versa? Odd thing... The other day I was tattooing another tattooer, and I was using the Bishop throughout the tattoo. A ways into the tattoo, I decided to " try out " the NeoTat ( Both 3.5mm ). When I started using the NEO, the guy I was tattooing said " Holy Shit, that thing hurts way more than the bishop". I was thinking this was odd, because of the same stroke, same needle setup, etc. Only thing I could think of was maybe I handled the machines differently due to the slight difference in weight? Anyways. If you could only have one Bishop or NEO, which would you choose and why? Thanks guys

No Iron Machines
07-26-2015, 03:24 PM
when i start build my rotary i use MAXON A-MAX 22 mm diameter, must be same model the BISHOP use now, but i have different voltage version of them, i have the 15 volts, anyway was a shit motor, i test run costantly with needles tube rubber bands, after 3 hours broke, the stem of the motor come outform inside, i test 4 new motors on this way, they all survive less than 4 hours, i cannot believe this, becouse was expencive motor, i contact the italian distributor, but they bullshit, they only run a office to take the order, they not do repair service , nothimg, must all pass by SWISS headquarter
i switch to MABUCHI, very economy motor and never -ever i get this problem anymore, and much more torque compare to Maxon, even the MABUCHI i use have less watt compare to the MAXON now i have much more torque, can push OG CHEYENNE CARTRIDGE at lower volts without remove the spring of the slide and withour kickstart the machine, with MAXON motor u cannot done this, no way

i realy like the first BISHOP machine, the square one, they use MABUCHI, i dono why they switch to MAXON

08-18-2015, 02:04 AM
I know this has been discussed before. But I couldnt find any recent conversations concerning the 2. I have 3 Bishops, and just recently got a NeoTat Vivace 3.5 ( Hell City Edition ). I was wondering what you guys prefer and why? I havent really even used the NeoTat yet, because I've fallen in love with my bishops, lol. Is the Maxxon superior to the Mabuchi or vice versa? Odd thing... The other day I was tattooing another tattooer, and I was using the Bishop throughout the tattoo. A ways into the tattoo, I decided to " try out " the NeoTat ( Both 3.5mm ). When I started using the NEO, the guy I was tattooing said " Holy Shit, that thing hurts way more than the bishop". I was thinking this was odd, because of the same stroke, same needle setup, etc. Only thing I could think of was maybe I handled the machines differently due to the slight difference in weight? Anyways. If you could only have one Bishop or NEO, which would you choose and why? Thanks guys

the A max motor I use has a bit less torque than the Mabuchi and its drive are based on the hand movements/pressure to put the ink in. Sometimes higher torque can hurt more. with higher torque, you just have to get used to moving your hand faster and different. both are good, totally up to the user.

08-18-2015, 02:23 PM
Thanks, Franco. I've had bad luck with 2 of my 3 Bishops. The one ( 2013 ) just stopped working, and the (2014), The RCA input came out of the back of the motor while unplugging ( No force required ) just literally stayed stuck in my RCA cord lol. Same cord I've used for a year now ( Eikon silicone RCA cord ). Even though the company offered to fix the RCA issue, it still left a bitter taste in my mouth lol. Which sucks, because the Bishop is hands down my favorite rotary in terms of style, and comfort. But, the issues have kind of made me lean toward using my other rotaries. I know its not anyones fault, and it doesnt mean the product is junk. It's mechanical, and anything mechanical can fail ( and probably will ) lol. I've just as of YET, to have any issues with my NEOs or HALOs.. ( Keywork. YET ) lol. Thanks for the reply, I wish it would have worked out with Bishop, I was so in love with the looks, style and feel of the bishop that I got 3 of them. But when 2 of 3 took dumps. I decided to move on. I'd love to give the company another go. Maybe with a newer model. But, funds are low right now. All of these people are buying their kids back to school stuff, instead of getting tattooed. Damn priorities lol..

08-18-2015, 06:18 PM
I think if you look hard enough you'll find someone who has had a problem with every single machine out there. I don't own a Bishop but know enough that they are high end machines with a very good track record. Yours just stopped working?? Did you ever figure out what the cause of this was? Did the motor burn out? If so, what made it burn out? Was there a lot of hours on the motor? Do you have a crappy power supply? When cleaning your machines is there vulnerable spots on the Bishop that cleaner can get into the motor and cause premature failure?? The RCA issue just sounds like a dud machine slipped through their assembly line. I had a Halo and had issues with it, doesn't mean Halos are junk and I actually just bought an FK Irons coil machine and 'effing love it. I would buy another rotary from them as well. These tiny little machines are built to such tight tolerances and the builders are trying to get these things to run as consistent as humanly possible while using the smallest and lightest parts and motors that there is bound to be machines that make it out that are duds or that don't perform as well someone else's machine of the same make and model. Any manufacturer worth a shit should take care or any issues you have with their product. If Bishop is your machine then I'd say use them. Get your RCA one fixed and run it and see if you or Bishop (if you think it's a defective motor) can determine what burned your other one up.

08-18-2015, 07:12 PM
I have both and for me its bishop for bng and vivace for colour and whipshade. Both great machines and very similar in a lot of ways.

08-18-2015, 09:04 PM
The bishop that stopped working had about 20hrs on it. It was weird. Started running real slow, then stopped lol. Im using a Critical Power supply. I baby the hell out of my machines lol. I keep them in hard cases and in toolbox when not in use.

08-21-2015, 01:36 AM
Thanks, Franco. I've had bad luck with 2 of my 3 Bishops. The one ( 2013 ) just stopped working, and the (2014), The RCA input came out of the back of the motor while unplugging ( No force required ) just literally stayed stuck in my RCA cord lol. Same cord I've used for a year now ( Eikon silicone RCA cord ). Even though the company offered to fix the RCA issue, it still left a bitter taste in my mouth lol. Which sucks, because the Bishop is hands down my favorite rotary in terms of style, and comfort. But, the issues have kind of made me lean toward using my other rotaries. I know its not anyones fault, and it doesnt mean the product is junk. It's mechanical, and anything mechanical can fail ( and probably will ) lol. I've just as of YET, to have any issues with my NEOs or HALOs.. ( Keywork. YET ) lol. Thanks for the reply, I wish it would have worked out with Bishop, I was so in love with the looks, style and feel of the bishop that I got 3 of them. But when 2 of 3 took dumps. I decided to move on. I'd love to give the company another go. Maybe with a newer model. But, funds are low right now. All of these people are buying their kids back to school stuff, instead of getting tattooed. Damn priorities lol..

I hear you and yes your right, anything mechanical can sometimes let you down. My machines have made many people happy and have helped alot of artists progress in their skill but something that I pride myself on is customer service. Not because Im a kiss ass, but because Im also a tattooer and I feel really bad when someone has a less than pleasant experience with my machines. How about I do right by you and send me your 3 machines. I will send you back a package and when you open it up you will either say EFF those guys....OR you will be back to using Bishop :) my address is 22622 Lambert St. #304 Lake Forest, CA 92630 please put a note in the box that says the following. "these machines are for Franco and he knows what to do with them as I have spoken to him on the forum" Thank you

08-21-2015, 07:51 AM
That right there is standup customer service!

08-21-2015, 11:57 PM
Thanks, Franco. Much appreciated.