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View Full Version : What's private info, what's not

Alie K
06-22-2011, 12:32 AM
I'm considering putting an asterisk (*) at the beginning of forum titles that are visible to the general public as a reminder for members (in case they are afraid of posting critical information that they don't want the general public to see).

I know that personally, I keep forgetting which threads are visible to the general public, and which are only visible to members. I have to keep logging out and looking at the forum as a reminder.

Does anyone think that would be a waste of time to put the (*) there? It's kind of a pain for me to do - but I want opinions.


Alie K
06-22-2011, 12:50 AM
Private places to chat and discuss top secret information:

Rotary machines and lining
Black n' Grey with rotary machine
Rotary machines and coloring

*[Tattoos done with rotary - general show and tell - visible to all]

Other Discussions:
Needles and Grips
Pigments, Colors and Washes
Power Supplies and Accessories
Shop Stuff and Everything Else

Guest spots

General Chat:
Off topic

Again, All of the above threads are secure and cannot be viewed by scratchers/general public.

06-22-2011, 05:20 AM
It's not a bad idea but if its a pain in the ass, don't bother. We can also just assume that if were talking about secret stuff its most likely in a secure area. Right?

06-22-2011, 11:45 PM
I think the asterisks would help remind newbies such as myself.

Alie K
09-05-2011, 10:58 PM
Ok, so I put an asterisk (*) at the end of forum titles that are Safe and Secure for you to post whatever you wish without fear of scratchers reading it. I think it looks a little ugly, so I'm not sure if I'll leave it that way or not. Maybe I'll get an idea of something else to do that isn't as icky-looking.

If I get lots of positive feedback that people like the asterisk, perhaps I'll leave it, but if nobody says anything, I may make it go away.

09-06-2011, 12:13 AM
is there any ways to hide the site from scratchers in general?

09-06-2011, 01:32 AM
different colours?

09-06-2011, 09:05 AM
is there any ways to hide the site from scratchers in general?

That would require you take away the internet. I am not sure what you think is on here that is so detrimental to the industry if an untrained person is able to read the site. Have you seen the MD forum the nick baxter forum? hell youtube? you all found this site likely due to a google search. If the whole site is locked down you will be talking to the same people forever on here.

09-06-2011, 10:22 AM
why does everyone want to hide stuff we all in the same trade why not share some of these so called scratchers are better tattooist than the shop tattooist don let it go back to secrets ....we all want a better industry then make it better and help people if your a good enough tattooist you wont lose out ....hell one day we might need they help who knows .............if they want info from else where they will find it .....but if they told the right way the industry wins by better quality of tattooing ........we all started somewhere we didnt start doing perfect colour line work shading sit down and think how long we as pro tattooist stopped scratchy work to a good solid tattoo ..........my input ...........no harm intended

09-06-2011, 12:16 PM
I agree with you rotary works to a point but I think keeping the site locked a bit keeps a little accountability of who post and what advice they are giving.

09-06-2011, 12:23 PM
The main thing is people can get information on the web anywhere, its not hard to find. What they cant do is ask questions if they are not logged in. They also cant see anywhere you guys actually discuss technique if you do.

I should also mention that for builders on the site to have googleable free to read well written reviews on their machines is very good for them. If all the reviews are locked down noone will land here by searching machine review information. A common search term that lands traffic here is reviews of the bishop, the neotat and the rapier machines.

09-07-2011, 08:48 AM
dont get me wrong im all for sharing info with anyone who wants it and will use it properly but the thing that sucks with this industry is the guys workin in their kitchens and junk who find these great sites and find stuff out and hurt the industry and be like this is what so and so does and these guys use this stuff now excuse me my tubes are done boiling lol but with everyone else on here this is a truly great forum and everyone seems awesome and professional which is rare for the internet lol

Alie K
09-07-2011, 10:39 PM
dont get me wrong im all for sharing info with anyone who wants it and will use it properly but the thing that sucks with this industry is the guys workin in their kitchens and junk who find these great sites and find stuff out and hurt the industry and be like this is what so and so does and these guys use this stuff now excuse me my tubes are done boiling lol but with everyone else on here this is a truly great forum and everyone seems awesome and professional which is rare for the internet lol

It's not easy to keep it that way, but I try awful hard to!

09-08-2011, 06:52 AM
well youve been doin a great job so far i love this forum!

09-13-2011, 07:06 PM
Just stumbled on this thread......i know with the last 4 year tattoo boom...especially in the uk..where theres tv shows...online tattoo suppliers popping up everywhere....ebay...DIY videos....youtube..and now almost every family owns a tattoo machine.....some of the old forums i went on Tattootalk, Skindeep, Woldwide tattooist guild/foundation... all had an artist section which was activated when the mods accepted your details......or Worldwide TF you had to be invited.... but the forums got a little boring in the artist section...and anything wanted to be private was in PM.... i still am concerned about where the industry will end up with the speed things are moving these days...will it just end up in peoples houses...the laws in the uk are becoming more relaxed...even today in a local cafe some random asked me "how do you shade mate..i got this gun off ebay"...i told him you had to buy an apprenticeship for 5 grand and we dont do them..........if that guy would find an empty shop and apply for a tattoo licence...the local council will give him one for £80.....and too many here have already.....this place is atrocious for bad tattoos...and a percentage of the public cannot work out the good from the bad...they just see cheap.........and bcause of the recession theres not that much money about so everyones in each others pockets and dont see the big picture. Its nice to see some regulated posts its a good idea.

09-15-2011, 10:55 AM
I think the asterisks area good idea...The information in those forums can't really be utilized by novices...I mean whats the point of learning the finer nuances of technique when you are still struggling to just put ink into the skin? There is enough readily available information out there..