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View Full Version : Jack steel mk3 eats rubber bands

03-11-2016, 12:11 PM
I got a jack steel machine in a trade and I love it. It lines like a beast and it is so light. My only problem I am having is when using regular rubber bands is they sit again the set screws holding the motor in and the threads rip the bands.

I tried a halo rubber band straight to the screws as I had seen other people do and it does it even faster.

I am talking like a band gets broken in less than 20 seconds.

How is everyone else attaching rubber bands so they don't get chewed up.

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03-11-2016, 03:52 PM
Have you checked the set screws for burrs? A rough thread could eat a rubber band pretty quick. I've had mine for about four months now and haven't lost a band yet.

Jack Steel
03-12-2016, 04:50 PM
Hi ,

i'm glad to read that u like the machine!
there is a lot of time and love in each machine i produce ,
that being said i would love to help you out
i've had this issue in the past here and there , but most of the times it was because of the bands being old or the bands are getting chewed by the needle going in the tube with the band on it (don't know if this makes sense)
try setting your stroke all the way down , then adjust your grip to your liking , and tighten , then the band only goes up and back down , and no longer in the tube

hope this helps
if not shoot me a message on facebook or
[email protected]

