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View Full Version : Edge plunger

09-02-2016, 03:59 PM
So it was only a matter of time considering its the size of a pinhead! But I've lost the ballbearing shaped end from one of my edge x plungers meaning I can't use half my grips. Does anyone know of anywhere that stocks spares? The fkirons site sells 5 for under a fiver, but shipping makes it over £50 ,ouch!

09-02-2016, 06:26 PM
You can do two things.. you can blop some silver solder on the end or buy a cheyene one and pull the ball bit off and super glue it on to your edge bar.. thats how i make the ones for my flite

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09-03-2016, 01:58 AM
Oh thats a great idea! I have plunger bars came with my bishop grip, I'll try that , thanks!

10-08-2016, 03:19 PM
Just a quick update, that killer ink supplies ( from where i bought the edge) sent me out a plunger for free, next day delivery, with a bunch of cool stickers/playing cards/ keys fobs / beach balls (?) so well happy with the service there!

10-12-2016, 04:16 AM
Or you could use jewelry ball ends. You can thank me later haha

10-12-2016, 04:52 PM
Yes the jewellery ball end works great I got a size up and it fit better for my tubes then the standard that comes on it