View Full Version : EGO apex nano machine nightmares

11-17-2016, 04:59 PM
So I bought an Ego Apex nano at Norwich convention last summer, just before I took a few months out to go travelling. when I got back to work and fired it up it seemed really sluggish, in that it would run nicely but within a few minutes it would get slower and slower and it was literally unusable. I realised that there was a bolt missing in the top near the jack point and on closer inspection a tiny grub screw was gone from the front, which fell out of the inside when I took to top off to see if I could possibly fix it. I hadn't realised there was a warranty certificate in the box that was only valid if I registered it within a month of purchase or something similar - but it would be pointless anyway because I have emailed the email address from the ego site a few times and been ignored everytime. Ive begged them to take it and fix it, and said clearly that I will pay for the work, because its now an expensive paperweight but to no avail. Ive even commented publicly on their instagram trying to get them to contact me back, but no dice. So, is there anyone that mends these machines? please get in touch, or even better if you know the way to get Ego to answer then Id appreciate it. I just really want to have it working as I really loved my first gen ego. Thanks in advance!

11-17-2016, 06:49 PM
the same here -no support ,a french co worker with the same issue and no support or reply ! i was sending it to ego but come back to me ! after this i was lucky that my supplyer have sold it back from me

11-18-2016, 07:02 AM
Although I've never dealt with them personally, this appears to be a consistent problem with "team ego", it's a shame as the builders I have dealt with have been totally the opposite, very helpful and very quick to respond to any questions either on here or via e mail etc and this goes a long way to ensure they get my repeat custom. Hope you get somewhere, if not, it's a lesson learned and there are other builders who will look after you and your machines out there.

11-18-2016, 08:26 AM
I'm in the states. Had to have the motor replaced on my r12. It took around 3 months of vague emails and little to no contact to get my machine back.
Their service "contact" was a guy named Simon. You might try addressing your emails to him.
Due to my interaction with them, I doubt I'd buy another ego machine. Hopefully, you'll get lucky with getting yours fixed.

11-18-2016, 02:54 PM
thanks for the responses, I feared it would be the case that they just dont have good after sales. Pretty shocking really. I'll try emailing again to Simon, but I'm not hopeful as I havent had a single response after about 7 months of chasing.

11-18-2016, 08:19 PM
If you dont get any luck emma you can just bring it to the studio and i'll have a look and see if its the motor.. its hewy by the way..

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Jesse Phillips
11-19-2016, 07:45 AM

11-20-2016, 07:32 PM
Thanks Hewy, I have a feeling it is the missing and loose screws but I have no idea how to get hold of such specific screws. If i get chance I'll pop over sometime :)

11-21-2016, 06:13 PM
Yea ok no probs ive got screws and little allen screws if its missing stuff..

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