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View Full Version : Eikon EMS200 power surges

11-19-2016, 12:22 AM
Hello all, been a while since Ive been on here. Ive been having noticeable surges when adjusting power while machine is running, particularly w rotaries. I use a spectra direkt and neotats daily, and when I adjust power both machines will spike momentarily in rpms. Considering it happens w different machines I suspect its got to be the power supply. A coworker that uses my station said he noticed it as well. It also seems to affect coils but slightly differently; I can only describe it as sort of a "hiccup" also when adjusting power w the machine running. Ive been using the same power supply for several yrs and never noticed an issue until about a yr ago. Im concerned that the surges may affect the motors in the rotaries or pop a spring on the coils. Ive been making my own rca cords for quite a while as the quality of most suppliers cords is crap, I'm no electrician but I don't see how the cords could cause momentary spikes in power. Has anyone else had issues w an EMS 200? Its got to be the power supply but its got me kind of baffled. If anyone has insight or suggestions I'd love to hear it before I go buying a new power supply. I'm familiar w criticals as well as every other power supply it just seems like there must be an solution/answer as to why this is happening, its kind of bugging me at this point. Many thanks for your insights you are each a special flower!!!-Isaac

Jesse Phillips
11-19-2016, 08:21 PM
Have you tried contacting Eikon?

11-20-2016, 04:46 PM
my critical does this with rotaries running at lower voltages, I pressume it is the Hawk kick start feature that alot of supplies have now so you dont need the starter cable