View Full Version : Cheyenne PU vs. Critical Power supplies

02-28-2017, 06:44 AM
So i have heard some guys claim that a cheyenne machine actually runs alot smoother on say a critical power unit. Than the cheyenne branded PU supplies that are actually manufactured for running them. What do you guys think? has anyone looked into this at all, anyone believe it or maybe think its the other way around or what is the theory?

03-02-2017, 08:55 AM
I used to run the thunder on both. The only thing I liked the Cheyenne for was not having the start up cable anymore. I think this feature is also in the new critical settings. It was really annoying having the machine ramp up to 12 volts then back down to your setting. I also didn't like the limitations on voltage setting on the cheyenne.Unless you are Die Hard Cheyenne for life. Critical is the way to go. To answer the question, It was just as smooth/aggressive on both power supplies to me.