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View Full Version : Need info on the Blunderbus!

07-08-2011, 05:33 PM
I sure would like to know more about the blunderbuss??? do they line good?...ive no doubt they put colour in great.

Alie K
07-25-2011, 01:42 AM
They are Cary's introduction to Rapier machines. They have a little bit of 'give' as his other machines do. I've had one that I pass around to my friends to interest them in rotaries. I think it's one of the easiest to transition from a coil machine.

They line SUPER! Most people have complaints when using rotaries for lining because they lack the 'slap' and 'give' of a coil, but the blunderbuss makes up for that. I've used it on tight 3 lines up to 9's (I don't have any 11 liners or I would have used them). Since it's still on loan to a friend, I have not had a chance to use the 14 liners I got from Rattydaddy's, but I'm sure they'd be a breeze as well.

They also do nice black and grey as well as color layering. Great little machine. Saving my tip money to get a rapier2 or treasurechest! Cary's machines are priced within most people's reach, and run nicely.