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09-04-2011, 03:03 PM
Just ordered a long stroke one of these from Needlejig. Can't wait to get my hands on it! I've never tried a Neo Tat, i'd love one but they're so hard to get hold of in the UK so i thought i'd wait for these to be released then get from the US. I have to confess i have an obsession with buying rotary machines. That'll be 5 in 1 month! :o As with the others i'll write a review once i receive the machine and update as my experience with it grows.

09-04-2011, 11:25 PM
i just ordered mine from needlejig as well ( 2 days ago), cant wait for it to hit me too. so what stroke length did u ordered?

09-06-2011, 06:15 PM
I ordered a 3.5mm stroke black machine. Seriously excited about this one!

I don't know if it's because they're a novelty after using coils for so long but i just want to use rotarys from now on. They're easier on the skin, lighter, quieter, less hassle etc...

09-06-2011, 07:56 PM
Needlejib just sent me a confirmation email , sayin it shipped out! cant wait!!
and , yea i had the original neotat in 3.5 mm stroke length, its my daily runner :) , and if u havent have a neotat before, i can assure u the quality and the smoothness of their machines

09-06-2011, 08:24 PM
I ordered the 2.5. It should be here tomorrow.

09-07-2011, 07:04 PM
got my 2.5 today, figures it's rainy and i didn't have anything worth speaking of booked. I took a walk-in for a dragon tattoo that he had already had lined somewhere else and wanted it b&g shaded. he only the money for an hr of work. so anyway, i used it for an hr on b&g shading and it's great so far. 8.5v with a 9m bug pin. could have bumped it up a lil, but i was def in no hurry and it working nice and smooth. a lil more weight than my dragonflies but just enough to actually make it more comfortable. it's smaller than it looked in the pics. i'll keep ya posted when i get something worth posting.

09-07-2011, 07:16 PM
I'm in the UK so i've got a bit more of a wait. Hopefully i'll have it by monday, i paid extra for the express mail.

09-07-2011, 07:19 PM
i was lucky enough to live in the same state as needle jig and they had 1 machine left.

Alie K
09-07-2011, 10:04 PM
I like my Vivaces so much, I'm considering getting a few more and eventually switching over from my 'old' neotats!

09-08-2011, 01:11 PM
That's reassuring to know Allie. Anyhing in particular you think they're best at? Just tracked my machine and it says it's been "missent"! Doesn't sound good!

09-09-2011, 06:41 AM
I guess the customs pulled your package and you have to pick it up there with an invoice if the package has incorrect paperwork. Happens to me all the time...

09-09-2011, 07:23 AM
i guess the customs pulled your package and you have to pick it up there with an invoice if the package has incorrect paperwork. Happens to me all the time...

german customs sucks !!!!!

09-09-2011, 10:31 AM
I guess the customs pulled your package and you have to pick it up there with an invoice if the package has incorrect paperwork. Happens to me all the time...I hope not, the package is still in the US, i'm in the UK. This is a good example of why Ray needs a good UK distributor. Tattoo Rite sucks and i won't do business with them.

09-09-2011, 10:55 AM
I hope not, the package is still in the US, i'm in the UK. This is a good example of why Ray needs a good UK distributor. Tattoo Rite sucks and i won't do business with them.

I wont deal with tattoorite either and i know many many others who wont...i cant understand how any builder would let them sell their products????

09-09-2011, 11:17 AM
they sell alot of china copy machines and rename them!

09-09-2011, 03:56 PM
damn.....I want one!!!
stupid money, always getting in the way of my wants and dreams.....sigh...

09-10-2011, 05:20 PM

09-13-2011, 02:29 PM
I was very pleased to receive the Vivace this morning and tore the package open carefully but quickly. It was very well packed and had a tube of Super Lube in which was very much appreciated.

I have to say i haven't used the older Neo Tat models so i can't compare their looks, weight or function. It wasn't the best of tests today because it was a piece on a person with severe stretch marks but it was still nice to break it in, so to speak. The balance and weight are really nice and it seemed very comfortable to shade with. It's virtually silent and it was very smooth running. The needle clip works extremely well, such a simple idea but very effective. One thing i thought was strange was using a rotary machine on such high volts. My Rotaryworks, Mike Metaxa and Evolution all run under 4.5v so having to turn my Critical up to 9v seemed like overkill but it's just a little quirk on my part that i'll soon get used to. :o Didin't seem to cause too much trauma which i was very aware of given the area and bad skin i was working on. So far, so good.

09-13-2011, 02:53 PM
Mike Metaxa, RotaryWorks and Neotat all use the same brand of motor just not the same type. If your motor is a 6 volt it will usually run faster at much lower volts and a 12 volt needs more juice for the same operation. There are advantages and disadvantages to both but usually the choice is made by the builder marrying the drive system and the motor type for the best results over all.

09-13-2011, 03:13 PM
Mike, RotaryWorks and Neotat all use the same brand of motor just not the same type. If your motor is a 6 volt it will usually run faster at much lower volts and a 12 volt needs more juice for the same operation. There are advantages and disadvantages to both but usually the choice is made by the builder marrying the drive system and the motor type for the best results over all.

Yeah i know, i'm just used to using my presets on my Critical rather than turning it up til 9-10v. It's not a problem though. I've actually got some of the 6v motors so i can change them when they die without changing the function.

09-13-2011, 03:57 PM
Mike Metaxa, RotaryWorks and Neotat all use the same brand of motor just not the same type. If your motor is a 6 volt it will usually run faster at much lower volts and a 12 volt needs more juice for the same operation. There are advantages and disadvantages to both but usually the choice is made by the builder marrying the drive system and the motor type for the best results over all. is there a link to your work? I caint find it if there is.

09-13-2011, 04:12 PM
I do the tech work on the forum and built this place from the ground up. I am not here for any other reason then to keep the lights on and the direction of the forum moving. If you have questions about my credentials shoot me a PM :)

09-14-2011, 04:26 AM
well i didnt need your credentials i just wanted to see your work and if your a tattooer , It is next to imposable to talk tattoos or machines if your not. so dont take in the wrong way i just seen you post on alot stuff on tattoos and machines and thought you were a tattooer, nothing more....

09-14-2011, 08:00 AM
i got my hell city vivace finally after a long wait! and i must say it is soo much lighter to me people say its not i feel a difference, maybe with the way its shaped the weight is evenly distributed but i bought a 3.5 and i use it for lining it hits one solid line in or u can do line sculpting. i def think u should at least buy 1 or 2 alie and try them out b4 u get rid of ur old neos they are the shiiiii tho lol

09-18-2011, 03:44 PM
the vivace is so sick!!! i got the 3.5 stoke and it work so good for color portraits and realism. great saturation as well. good job Ray!!!!!!!!!

09-19-2011, 11:44 AM
I just ordered the Vivace from Needlejig and its on backorder for a few weeks. I'm dying to get to use it though!

09-19-2011, 01:38 PM
got mine the other day.... runs great ,.without a needle set up in it......does NOT work at all with the t-tech set up....clicks but does not move.... put a normal set up in it, and it ran for a few minutes, then every other time I went to push my foot switch, it did NOTHING....had to keep unplugging and replugging in the machine to get it to run..... using a critical cx-1 power supply.... any suggestions so I don't have to send this thing back? NEVER had a problemwith any of my old Neo-tats......got the 3.5 motor, and a 4.2mm motor.....switched out the motors, and the 4.2 will NOT run at all in the machine.

The Limey
09-19-2011, 03:25 PM
got mine the other day.... runs great ,.without a needle set up in it......does NOT work at all with the t-tech set up....clicks but does not move.... put a normal set up in it, and it ran for a few minutes, then every other time I went to push my foot switch, it did NOTHING....had to keep unplugging and replugging in the machine to get it to run..... using a critical cx-1 power supply.... any suggestions so I don't have to send this thing back? NEVER had a problemwith any of my old Neo-tats......got the 3.5 motor, and a 4.2mm motor.....switched out the motors, and the 4.2 will NOT run at all in the machine.

Friction is probably the enemy here especially as you are having major issues with the 4.2mm longer stroke;

You need a little more juice in the voltage department to run T-Techs vs a regular needle set up but as you have regular Neo-tats I'm sure you've cranked that up already so, if that didn't fix it; clean the slide and contact areas and re-lube them with Superlube oil not grease and you should be set.

My 3.5mm Neo-tat wouldn't run with T-techs either but after a quick chat with Ray this was his solution and it worked fine.

Worth a try if nothing else.

09-20-2011, 01:39 PM
Talked to Ray last night.. He's gonna get it taken care of with some new springs. I never had a problem with their machines, nor their service, was just wondering if anyone else had the same problem, but as always, they're on their game, and getting the problem fixed.

09-20-2011, 01:57 PM
Talked to Ray last night.. He's gonna get it taken care of with some new springs. I never had a problem with their machines, nor their service, was just wondering if anyone else had the same problem, but as always, they're on their game, and getting the problem fixed.

Troubleshooting info on here is always good. It helps others if they have the same issue to know the fix is pretty simple. In your case the fix was a quick phone call. ;)

09-25-2011, 08:35 PM
I have the 2.5mm and love it but was told that the 4.2 would be better for solid black and color packing.. Any truth to this or just a preference?

09-25-2011, 09:13 PM
I have the 2.5mm and love it but was told that the 4.2 would be better for solid black and color packing.. Any truth to this or just a preference?

Absolutely true! I love the 2.5mm for black and gray and small liners, and 4.2mm for color packing and solid black

09-26-2011, 01:48 AM
And why is the longer stroke rotary better for solid color?

09-26-2011, 11:45 AM
And why is the longer stroke rotary better for solid color?

It's more efficient with fewer passes to saturate, therefore quicker heal times. More bleeding, but it stops fast. I hang a good amount of needle from the tip, combined with the longer travel of the needle, makes it effortless

09-26-2011, 12:07 PM
I've got the 3.5 stroke so it's a good allrounder. Not really sure if that's good or bad as i don't think it excels at anything, meaning i have better shaders, better liners and better colour packers.

09-26-2011, 12:19 PM
It's more efficient with fewer passes to saturate, therefore quicker heal times. More bleeding, but it stops fast. I hang a good amount of needle from the tip, combined with the longer travel of the needle, makes it effortlessThank you for the info.

09-27-2011, 12:42 PM
got my new springs in today for my vivace...runs great now fully loaded....even runs the t-tech set up at around 9.5volts...Thanks again Ray, GREAT customer service as always!.

10-01-2011, 07:56 PM
Ok this is going to sound f****ed up but I get better results in reverse of what everyone else is saying. I pack solid color fast with the short stroke and B&G with the long stroke.... I don't know why but with the long stroke I don't get the saturation...Any ideas

10-01-2011, 08:22 PM
ahh prob you are doing a scrubing motion with a heavier(most likely rideing the tip on the skin which makes it taught ) hand motion with the shortstroke so you are building up solid layers fast(al carlton and others)and you are actually prob floating the needle more with the long stroke -your hand is making the give motion on its on and you are using a lighter touch as unconsciously you are thinging light touch means lighet values

10-02-2011, 01:08 AM
I am new to the world of rotary machines so I don't know how differant they should run. Is it bad to use the the opposite way?

10-02-2011, 12:57 PM
Depends on the machine but in most cases this will be bad for the life of your motor. Some machines are designed to run better in on direction, usually with the motor spinning clockwise. If you use a clip cord most builders have the polarity of the motor marked with the clip cord binding posts.

10-02-2011, 02:25 PM
Depends on the machine but in most cases this will be bad for the life of your motor. Some machines are designed to run better in on direction, usually with the motor spinning clockwise. If you use a clip cord most builders have the polarity of the motor marked with the clip cord binding posts.

To clarify when I stated doing it backwards I meant using the long stoke for b&g and the short stroke for solid color where as most people use the long stroke for solid color and the short stroke for b&g. Sorry for the confusion I was tired and didn't fully explain what I was meaning!

10-05-2011, 10:57 PM
Just got new Neo today. Amazing, got the long stroke and it really packs the color! Runs sooth and quiet.

10-18-2011, 09:51 PM
I received my vivace today and love it.I defiantly liking the rotarys.

10-26-2011, 04:47 PM
they do come pre oiled right??? i have been using them for a few weeks and it just occurred to me that it stated about oiling them but not if they came pre-oiled just checking

10-26-2011, 05:06 PM
If it was not lubricated it would be really noisy as soon as you started it up.

10-27-2011, 12:16 PM
nope not noisy at all ! i figured it was oiled but didn't hurt to ask

10-27-2011, 12:58 PM
I have several rotaries now and the Vivace is my "go to" machine for colouring. I've got the 3.5mm stroke and it packs nicely and powerlines great too if i slow my hand down enough. Hands down the smoothest, quietest machine i own. In time i'll probably buy 1 of all the different stroke lengths. Love the needle clip too.

10-28-2011, 03:45 AM
Needle clip does work like a charm! Still my go to machine as well!!!!!!

11-04-2011, 11:53 PM
How do you oil these? Do you just squirt the stuff down the side of the slider?

11-05-2011, 12:52 AM
I have the older neo-tat from eikon and it has an RCA, which is great in theory, but in reality, my rca cord slips off all the time, but i have a green mosnter with an rca cord and it's waaay too tight, how does everyone feel about the rca jack for this new vivace? or does it come with 1/8 plug?

11-05-2011, 02:23 AM
If you contact neotat directly they will tell you which distributor has what connectors for sale. The machine does have the option for the minijack plug.

11-05-2011, 01:58 PM
which connection do most people prefer in the neo tat?

Alie K
11-05-2011, 02:00 PM
Whatever all your other machines are set up as. :)

11-05-2011, 02:04 PM
clip cord

11-05-2011, 04:25 PM
You can get a clipcord back for your current neotat machine. You can also order a clipcord vivace. If unimax has them in stock you can get it from them. Otherwise I would call neotat directly.

11-06-2011, 05:27 AM
I believe that RCA connectors are better for rotaries. I get smoother power to my machines and it helps prolong the life of the motor. I got my RCA cable from Maplins here in the UK. They fit my Vivace perfectly and they're cheaper than the tattoo suppliers.

11-07-2011, 08:08 AM
I have the same problem with the rca cord slipping off ,but I cut a half sheet of barrier film rap the cord to it an pull my Clipcord covering over the vivace and wrap the other half sheet of film around the machine it holds it.... next one clip cord ..ya might be able to get a clip cord hook up from needlejig too.

11-07-2011, 08:36 AM
You can also use a small piece of conductive tape. I mean really small and just at the bottom of the connector. But be careful as this can get jammed into the cable end if you aren't careful.

11-07-2011, 11:30 AM
is there anyone on here that have the 1/8 mono plug?

11-24-2011, 08:10 AM
I use a metal screw cap solder RCA connector I got from Radio Shack. I found the cheaper non-solder would slip off. These stay on nice!