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View Full Version : YAY! Finally Got to Use My Fusion Inks!

Alie K
12-16-2010, 01:47 AM
I had a lot of fun telling my co workers "Dana nana nana nanny nanny nanny nanny nanny nanny nanny nanny poo-poo" as they were jealous that I got to do such a fun piece.

So happy I got to use my Fusion inks too! Finally. The wave of lettering and black and grey is finally broken. Not like it was a bad thing, but I DO like color.


Neotat, Blunderbus and Fusion

There are a few tweaks I want to do to it in 2 weeks, but both client and I ended the night pretty happy with it.

The Limey
12-16-2010, 01:56 AM
That is awesome Alie, I really like the way you did the glass!

12-16-2010, 07:19 AM
Nice color work, how did ya find the ink?

12-16-2010, 08:32 AM
Cool! Looks great Alie!

Alie K
12-16-2010, 10:14 AM
Thanx guys!

Oz, I found the light blue a little tricky to put in (I always seem to have a bit of trouble with blue and purple). I played around with it and just slowed my machine down a little and it eventually ended up going in ok. The colors dried out a little in the caps a bit faster than other brands I've used but that's ok - I just kept dropping witch hazel into them, and my client didn't sit well so it took forever (and I still want to add a little more color to the background - some lighter purple where the skin tone is to soften it a little) but overall, I think it's a nice palette. I hope they get a bigger distributership so they become easier to get. I miss being able to go down the street to pick up a bottle I'm running low on...

12-16-2010, 12:01 PM
thats dope alie... I like it..I like it alot

12-16-2010, 08:39 PM
never mink the ink...you got to Tattoo the frickin batMobile thats so Awesome 8)

Alie K
12-17-2010, 10:42 AM
never mink the ink...you got to Tattoo the frickin batMobile thats so Awesome 8)

...and it was the OLD batmobile! The fellow asked me if I thought the old or the new batmobile would be better. I am not sure if I even let him finish his question! lol