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View Full Version : NeoTat Vivace Standard Stroke lining problem

02-19-2012, 09:28 AM
ok so i just picked you a neotat vivace and i set my needle up like i always do but when i stared lining the ink was blowing out under the skin any ideas ?????

02-19-2012, 09:51 AM
Slow it down, might be running too fast. There is no give so if you push too much it will blow out quickly.

02-19-2012, 10:28 AM
It will blow outlines in thin skin areas too if you're not careful. Underarm skin is particularly prone to it. I mainly use mine for packing and shading.

02-19-2012, 12:10 PM
I find that they hit very hard even at low volts(just hits slower) you to really have to pay attention to needle depth/angle when lining.To me lining with a neo feels like you have a sowing machine in your hand.But i think great for solid color fields.(althoe it seems are fearless leader Alie K can do it all with them, she has alot of patience.:))

02-19-2012, 12:13 PM
I have only used the medium strike original neo to line with and for a few months it was almost all I used. I had no problems but I had to run off the tube more and move slower. Also I notice that voltage was deceptive an it lined better at 8.5 than over 9V

Alie K
02-19-2012, 10:32 PM
What volts, lining configurations, and pigment are you using? Sometimes something as simple as changing your lining ink can make all the difference.

02-21-2012, 12:22 AM
i use Sumi Ink for lining, but i picked up some eternal lining black and that's what i used on this tattoo with the neo. i run 7 liners and the machine was at 10.2v i had it at 9v but it didnt seem to keep a solid line........... ill try using the sumi and lower the volts an ride the tube and see if that helps.

02-21-2012, 07:02 AM
Eternal black can be a problem too. Do a search on here an you will hear it a bunch of times that lots of people have had color creep issues with eternal blacks

02-21-2012, 07:23 AM
Indeed ! I have to sort out a blow out with eternal next thursday :)

02-21-2012, 05:10 PM
thanks all ill let you know how things go

03-12-2012, 04:18 PM
I use Fusion black which is basically Eternal with double pigment content. Would it behoove me to dilute the ink a tad to overcome this problem? It doesn't happen often, but it's still present. It's also been suggested to me that I switch over to Dynamic.

03-12-2012, 04:20 PM
I use Fusion black which is basically Eternal with double pigment content. Would it behoove me to dilute the ink a tad to overcome this problem? It doesn't happen often, but it's still present. It's also been suggested to me that I switch over to Dynamic.

Power black or lining black? Also helps to know what needle configurations you are using, if they are of the super tight variety.

03-12-2012, 05:56 PM
Lining black. And I usually run Mithra tight seven, loose five, tight nine, and loose eight, depending on desired line weight. Their classifications are awkward, so I guess the tights are super tight and the loose are regular tight. They list their loose configs as round loose shaders, of which I use a 5, but usually only for shading or line building.

03-13-2012, 01:59 AM
I'll add to this because I have tried to line with vivace 3.5 a couple times now with no so great results.
don't have a blow out issue, but to me it seems that the needle configurations run very,very true.
For me, lining with an 8 seemed like lining with a 5 as far as the width of the layed down line.
Also, i had to move really slow, even at 9.5 to 10 volts.

In theory, i thought the vivace would make an awesome liner but i have not had great results with it.
I will say this though, the fuckiing thing is AWESOME at packing and blending color and B&G.

03-13-2012, 04:21 PM
It punches too hard for me for bng, pretty much pepper shades everything no matter what speed or voltage I've run it at, and I'm used to the real smooth blends that the Neumas push out. Methinks I just need to play around with it some more and find the sweet spots. It's a great color packer though, especially with the X-long stroke motor.

03-13-2012, 04:25 PM
if its pepper shading regardless of speed, your hand may be moving too fast, I slowed down my hand and got much nicer blends out of it.

03-13-2012, 04:27 PM
I've tried it all man, slow/faster hand speed, whip shading, circle shading, I think it might have something to do with an element of my setup I'm not considering. I'll find it, though. I'm persistent.

03-13-2012, 05:25 PM
Try backing the needle further in to the tube. I use a 4.2mm stroke RW with no give for soft shading, B&G, and color packing with zero issues. I just change my needle hang for the job

03-13-2012, 05:34 PM
Try backing the needle further in to the tube. I use a 4.2mm stroke RW with no give for soft shading, B&G, and color packing with zero issues. I just change my needle hang for the job
was gonna mention this , you can't have as much needle hang as you would a coil
sorry I thought we were talking about lining . but yeah same with b&g but for different reasons

The Limey
03-13-2012, 05:41 PM
I'll add to this because I have tried to line with vivace 3.5 a couple times now with no so great results.
don't have a blow out issue, but to me it seems that the needle configurations run very,very true.
For me, lining with an 8 seemed like lining with a 5 as far as the width of the layed down line.
Also, i had to move really slow, even at 9.5 to 10 volts.

In theory, i thought the vivace would make an awesome liner but i have not had great results with it.
I will say this though, the fuckiing thing is AWESOME at packing and blending color and B&G.

The Neotat has surgical precision compared to most other machines and as a result shows every wibble, wobble and shake, try using a 9 round shader or possibly even a 14 round next time its far more forgiving :)

chris higgins
03-13-2012, 05:54 PM
ya when i first started tattooing i was using a 9 liner for every thing cause my line work was not where i wanted it to be yet and so the 9 helped make my line work look better. now adays i mainly use a tight 5 for every thing and if i want thicker i will build them up with that and smaller stuff i use a 3 but i use 3s like once a month maybe. looking forward to the ttech grips and niddles cause i can try out diffrent needles with my neo tat.

03-13-2012, 11:48 PM
Awesome, great advice from a bunch of y'all. I'll definitely give this stuff a shot. Thanks :D