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View Full Version : Ttech break

Assassin Rich
04-22-2012, 12:32 AM
I was using a T tech 17 mag curved bugpin on a girls side today. It started making a diffrent sound i figured it was just alot of ink was inside. She started being in a great deal more pain i figured side peice at the end of the tattoo pretty normal. I asked her to come back in a few weeks and smooth things out.. Anyway after she left i started to clean up my station as i broke down my hawk.. The inside was flooded with black ink the ttech had broken inside and let ink get bck into the machine.. This isnt cool for guys who dont clave there hawk grips.. just a heads up.

04-22-2012, 12:43 AM
Ttechs aren't sealed.. ink can flood back in the machine.

Assassin Rich
04-22-2012, 01:40 AM
i like the techs a lil beter butthat freaked me out and makes me wanna use my reg rotarys!

04-22-2012, 03:19 PM
I know people that use them and dont clave the posts - I know they are not water tight - and yet....

Sage Oz
04-22-2012, 03:40 PM
Yeah bad idea. Hawk tips are sealed, t tech aren't and require autoclaving of the grips. I would think even with hawk grips should be claved, being gripped by dirty gloves and all...
One of the reasons I just stick with normal rotaries and disposable tubes...

04-22-2012, 06:27 PM
It NEVER hurts to be careful. I autoclave everything every use twice. The routine in my shop is, tubes get cleaned in the scrub room, then claved unbagged. They are then bagged and claved with a integrator stirp. If its in a bag its been cleaned and claved twice and one strip with every bag - I know wihtout hesitation that they are sterile.

It never made much sense to me to take clean autoclave bags then contaminate them putting in dirty tubes etc. Every tube and tip and piercing tool is taken apart and done this way. My Health Inspector asked why we did and I told her for the same reason we autoclave each and every tongue depressor, and anything else we can.... why not ?

Sage Oz
04-22-2012, 07:37 PM
Nice, I never thought to autoclave the depressors, great idea. The whole disposable tube thing is likewise the piece of mind thing for me as is the hassle of autoclaving tubes CORRECTLY, it is such a pain, dis-assembling and all that. I haven't know many others that took such precautions as you do Nivek, very cool. When i first started all I knew was scrub em with comet and a toothbrush and try not to get it all over the place rinse em a bunch, bag and autoclave, that as i was taught was the norm. Things have definately progressed in tattooing even in my short (15y) career I've seen such major changes as a whole.... The art, the machines, the process