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View Full Version : Needles hanging out when I stop my machine

06-01-2012, 06:40 PM
I have only ever used coils machines before (mickey sharpz) and I recently got a neotat vivace 3.5. I love it! But getting used to rotaries has presented some challenges. When I stop my machines sometimes I realize that my needles have also stopped at full length, hanging out past my tube. It doesn't always happen, and since I'm not used to checking ever, I don't want to damage my needles, my client or myself on the odd time that it does happen.

Is this just a common problem with rotaries? Or is there something I can do to keep them in whenever my machine stops?
Thanks very much, I hope this is the right category to post in.

06-01-2012, 06:52 PM
the same happens with my vivace as well try a little lube and it should be better or you could stretch the spring a little to help a bit with hang out.

06-01-2012, 06:56 PM
I have only ever used coils machines before (mickey sharpz) and I recently got a neotat vivace 3.5. I love it! But getting used to rotaries has presented some challenges. When I stop my machines sometimes I realize that my needles have also stopped at full length, hanging out past my tube. It doesn't always happen, and since I'm not used to checking ever, I don't want to damage my needles, my client or myself on the odd time that it does happen.

Is this just a common problem with rotaries? Or is there something I can do to keep them in whenever my machine stops?
Thanks very much, I hope this is the right category to post in.

This does sound like a spring issue. Try taking the motor out clean and lube the glide and check the spring.

sent from my oobnoxiosly large galaxy note phone thing via tapatalk.

06-01-2012, 06:57 PM
Just realised you are in Toronto. Ray will be at NIX this year. Bring the machine by the neotat booth and have him take a look at it.

sent from my oobnoxiosly large galaxy note phone thing via tapatalk.

06-01-2012, 07:03 PM
Thanks a lot guys, my machine is really new; I have probably only used it on about 20 tattoos so far, some small some big. I didn't expect to do maintenance so soon on it. I'll give it a shot.. fingers crossed I know what I'm doing!

peter clements
06-01-2012, 07:50 PM
This is something you get used to and actually something I've grown to like, it comes in handy when you just want a really small amount of ink on your needle and not a nossle full.

06-01-2012, 07:58 PM
I usually take my machine apart one a week and clean and lube it. Usually about 25 to 30 tattoos a week with it so it seems only right to do for me. 7 tattoos today alone.

06-02-2012, 01:38 AM
Hi Laura, I do have heavier springs that will allow it to stop in the up position better.....as long as you don't run the machine down below 7 volts on a regular basis. I install the lighter springs because it seems that more artists are running the Vivaces at 5-7 volts....and with the heavy spring you sometimes need to flick start it to get it going. I have now instructed my staff to add both springs to the packages with a note inside.

See me at NIX and I will give you a spring or two.

06-04-2012, 05:53 PM
Wonderland you're right, it's probably best to clean and lube it regularly anyways, thanks.

I rarely run it under 7 volts, definitely tending to run it higher. I will drop by to see you Ray at NIX on the Sunday, thanks so very much! Excited to check out the convention again.