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View Full Version : Baphomet study for a backpiece done w/Copics

Sage Oz
09-18-2012, 01:49 AM

09-18-2012, 03:56 AM
i dig the face a lot but the body is weird. I mean I know its suppose to be weird but there is something kind of 80's metal head ball point pen drawing about the whole thing.
Maybe just taking a more original approach to the whole thing. There are really well rendered versions of this image all over google. Id just do one of those if you are gonna stick to this traditional verison. If you are going to do your own version you may consider coming at it from another angle. Not so straight on, maybe zoom in.
I dunno.... I wish I could be more specific but something about it tells me you can do better. I know you worked hard on it so I wouldnt fault you if you didnt listen to me. haha.

09-18-2012, 05:28 AM
I love occult stuff this will be a rad piece for sure. The middle section of the body could be a bit heavier since he has this big muscular arms and shoulders. The snakes the arms the hands are awesome and same goes for the dagger and the skull chain.

Sage Oz
09-18-2012, 05:38 AM
Thanks guys! I'm definitely gonna add more to the pic, background layers and light effects and whatnot. I know there's stuff missing, still trying to figure out what it needs....

09-18-2012, 08:05 AM
I have to agree with SPooner on this. It screams high school heshen. If this is going to be a back piece there is no excuse for not pushing this thing to the limits.

Not saying you need to go this route but look at how fleshed out the design is. It takes the standard image of baphomet and pushes it.
Just my worthless two cents.
