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View Full Version : Thunder compared to 3.5 Vivace/3.5 Bishop/Mini Cranker

11-09-2012, 10:08 AM
Im considering buying a Hawk Thunder set up..Currently I have a 3.5 Vivace,3.5 Bishop,Dan Kubin Mini Cranker and was wondering if anybody owns the same machines I do and can give me any type of feed back(compared to the Thunder)..Im really curious to know how well your able to line with the Thunder and if it is really a 1 machine does all..In theory it seems genious to have 1 machine and just switch out a needle head..but sometimes theory and real world are a little different..I dont have the money to just buy a Thunder and give it a shot,I would need to sell a couple machines to be able to make it happen..so before I put some machines up for sale im just curious to hear what anybody has to say.

11-09-2012, 12:51 PM
It sounds like ya have a great setup all ready-maybe buy a 4.2 cartridge for the vivace and swap it..most of the linework i have seen with the hawk looks fairly thin fineline-I should have mine today and have the others and will give ya an update on what i think of it. You also could buy the t-tech or hawk grips for all of those machines as they all run great with them and would almost be the same feel, at a very low price compared to buying a hawk.

Also you could get a Directdrive and pair with the ttech/hawk grip for the same feel as a hawk.

11-09-2012, 01:02 PM
To be honest. I love my thunder but you can get Cheyenne grips for your other machines pretty cheap.
Now I mainly use a Cheyenne grip and cartridges in a Halo and just use the one machine.

(Opted Out)
11-09-2012, 02:06 PM
The hawk does do it all really well, i prefer it for black and grey over anything else.... But depends what you think of the cheyenne cartridges.. There fine but i feel more restricted with the cheyenne... Buy 50 3,5,7,9,11,14 liners 50 of 9,&14 round shader and 50 7,9,13,15 mags... And then you will have spent literally £1,500... Compared to a normal set up of All those needles costing arround £120.... Now i WILL pay for quality i have cheyenne hawks neotat swashdrive use tatsoul and hummingbird needles and disposables, fusion ink = good quality products cost good money but that is a craaaazy difference!!! I think the thunder can do it all but so can a neo 3.5... I use the neo 3.5 for colour and the neo 2.5 for black and grey and the 3.5 saturates better than the hawk but hawk is great for black and grey I think your set up is far more flexible and adjustable as it is, no offence meant to anyone just my 2p

11-10-2012, 09:44 AM
thank you guys for the feedback!it was very helpful.

Jan Li
01-24-2013, 01:17 PM
Hi Can you use t-tech Chyenne catridge ón Bishop Capo and Neotat original 3,5 or dó you have to take out the stay up spring as you dó with the Halo. Jan

01-24-2013, 02:24 PM
I probably would. only reason im saying should is because you will have TWO sets of resistance from the rubber band in the ttech needle, AND the spring, Over time this will probably cause more harm and more resistance to the motor.