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View Full Version : More new Rotaries in the pipeline?

peter clements
02-18-2011, 02:01 PM
Heard a whisper today that Joe Capobianco, Jime Litwalk and Brian Ulrich may be developing their own Rotaries. Food for thaught.

02-18-2011, 03:01 PM
Wonder who is making them for them.

02-18-2011, 03:05 PM
hey there is only so many ways you can poke a needle in some one! lol

02-18-2011, 03:12 PM
Maybe Paulo Fernando ?!
I think he stand left side,not shown at this picture !

02-18-2011, 03:26 PM
Interesting... I wonder if these will actually replace Joe's NeoTats and Stigmas from his top drawer? It is the Lady's Leg silhouette frame Joe put his name to as a coil machine.

02-18-2011, 03:31 PM
yet another swiss crank style-but cool looking and prob well made! hey maybe it will be here for sell in the states

02-18-2011, 03:33 PM
Ha! Rotarys ARE the new thing. I personaly know a few people who have designs in the works. Doesn't surprise me that people like this are trying to cash in on their popularity.

02-18-2011, 03:33 PM
Hopefully its not the same tube vice when it comes in serie !!!!

02-18-2011, 03:42 PM
Ha! Rotarys ARE the new thing. I personaly know a few people who have designs in the works. Doesn't surprise me that people like this are trying to cash in on their popularity.

This is good and bad, the good part is it will generate traffic for the forum with more people looking for info... should have really put ads all over her to cash in too. ha!

This is bad because the market will flood with more crappy knockoffs and designs that are all the same just in a different box claiming all sorts of special magical tattoo powers. The hope is the guys that have been at this a while and are known for having a good tried and true proven product will be able to continue to stand out.

Coil builders who probably poked fun at rotary machines since the 70's are probably all over "this new fad". I wonder if this would make them gain more respect or lose some.

02-18-2011, 05:17 PM
People who put the love and quality into their machines will always be two steps ahead of all the people cashing in or jumping on the trends. The whole tattoo industry as a whole is being watered down faster than we can cry about it

02-18-2011, 05:30 PM
Hopefully its not the same tube vice when it comes in serie !!!!

I can only suspect it will be the same as its older sister.


The Limey
02-18-2011, 05:43 PM
I'm naming it "clubfoot"

02-18-2011, 09:30 PM
the whole rotary thing will die down in a year are so and everybody will jsut use what they like in stead of the jump on the bandwagon thing. I personally don't like rotarys for large scale color work at all. You cant beat a well made coil machine like a FKI for that. But i do like rotarys for bng and small fineline work. althoe alot people like to do like 20 layers of color in one spot with rotarys. they are just another tool to me.

02-19-2011, 06:35 PM
First off, this is not a straight accusation to the people mentioned here, but instead, a general statement.
Here is my take about it:
It's good to see people come out with new stuff. The more options we have the more we get inspired but at the same time, I see a lot of rushed products lately (non of those builders are members of this site!). Like if certain builders have the need to come out with something quick to bank out some dollars out of the hype.

A rotary or coil tattoo machines are just tools.
I love to work with variety. I think rotaries suit very well for certain stuff just like coils do.
Swearing by one machine style only is limiting yourself to other great tools.

Dan Kubin
02-19-2011, 08:39 PM
Rotaries are finally making progress in the tattoo community. The more people use them, the more people will come up with ways to improve on them.
Those rotaries they had look pretty neat..doesn't look like they reinvented the wheel, but still something new.
not everyone likes the hyperspace look..

02-19-2011, 09:02 PM
im sure paulo will copy someones and resell it .... :\

02-19-2011, 11:19 PM
First off, this is not a straight accusation to the people mentioned here, but instead, a general statement.
Here is my take about it:
It's good to see people come out with new stuff. The more options we have the more we get inspired but at the same time, I see a lot of rushed products lately (non of those builders are members of this site!). Like if certain builders have the need to come out with something quick to bank out some dollars out of the hype.

A rotary or coil tattoo machines are just tools.
I love to work with variety. I think rotaries suit very well for certain stuff just like coils do.
Swearing by one machine style only is limiting yourself to other great tools.

Gaston, I have to give you a lot of credit. Rotaries aside its nice to see EVERYTHING new you make. You swim up stream with your ideas and work. I look forward to seeing what you debut in regards to a rotary machine and hope it does function as a good companion to the rest of your lineup. I guess the rushed stuff with many of these companies will all come out in the wash. The hope is the majority of professionals purchasing this stuff will gravitate towards well thought out well executed design and good quality/craftsmanship the same way they hopefully would when choosing a good coil machine.

02-19-2011, 11:37 PM
Rotaries are finally making progress in the tattoo community. The more people use them, the more people will come up with ways to improve on them.
Those rotaries they had look pretty neat..doesn't look like they reinvented the wheel, but still something new.
not everyone likes the hyperspace look..

Not reinventing the wheel but there are a lot of builders on this site, your self included Dan that are making that wheel way more interesting and comfortable. The more R & D put into all of this the better. This is a good step for the industry that has had tools that have not changed (up until the last decade) much since the beginning.

02-20-2011, 07:57 PM
First off, this is not a straight accusation to the people mentioned here, but instead, a general statement.
Here is my take about it:
It's good to see people come out with new stuff. The more options we have the more we get inspired but at the same time, I see a lot of rushed products lately (non of those builders are members of this site!). Like if certain builders have the need to come out with something quick to bank out some dollars out of the hype.

A rotary or coil tattoo machines are just tools.
I love to work with variety. I think rotaries suit very well for certain stuff just like coils do.
Swearing by one machine style only is limiting yourself to other great tools.

Well said indeed.

but with all the so called different ones, it can make it more confusing on which one to at least start out with.
Like myself is a good case in point, one reason why I came here and two asked the question on differences.
and I really don't care for the 'celebrity' named items. It's becoming a bunch of infomercials.

I intend on buying a couple from some people, at least two if not three of the builders are right here, and
I'd like to build some for my own pleasure, not for production sales.

Big Oh
02-20-2011, 09:06 PM
There are alot of nice rotarys coming out and its tough to decide which ones to buy, thanks to this site i feel more comfortable purchasing new euipment. I think customer service should be on the top of the list when buying anything new, hopefully Gatson will be making a rotary soon, this dude's customer service is excellent.

02-20-2011, 11:13 PM
Well said indeed.

but with all the so called different ones, it can make it more confusing on which one to at least start out with.
Like myself is a good case in point, one reason why I came here and two asked the question on differences.
and I really don't care for the 'celebrity' named items. It's becoming a bunch of infomercials.

I intend on buying a couple from some people, at least two if not three of the builders are right here, and
I'd like to build some for my own pleasure, not for production sales.

Nothing ever wrong with some well made one offs. Sometimes the little guys who do this stuff do the best job of keeping the big guys on their toes.

02-21-2011, 09:42 AM
There are alot of nice rotarys coming out and its tough to decide which ones to buy, thanks to this site i feel more comfortable purchasing new euipment. I think customer service should be on the top of the list when buying anything new, hopefully Gatson will be making a rotary soon, this dude's customer service is excellent.

Nothing ever wrong with some well made one offs. Sometimes the little guys who do this stuff do the best job of keeping the big guys on their toes.

There seem to be some nice ones now and ones that have been around. I do agree that the more being developed the better some aspects can come from it.
And yes, the 'little builders' do keep the bigger boys on their toes. Just got to love trends though, Rotaries have been talked down on for so long here in the states and now...explosion!

Customer service is a selling point, so it the construction, materials, and how it handles for your style.

I can't wait to see what some of these people have in the works, like Neo, Rapier, Bishop's fineliner, what Gaston has up his sleeves but I also like what the little hand builders have going to. I'd like to pick up a Rotaryworks and after holding a Uncle Roy machine, I want one just because it's a beautiful piece of functional art. Exciting times people, Exciting times.