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View Full Version : Stealth Rotary Stroke Length

Alie K
08-26-2010, 10:28 AM
I bought a few Stealth rotaries in an Ebay auction about a year ago. They were my introduction to rotary tattoo machine use. I still use them on occasion for smaller things. The motors don't seem very strong, so I generally don't use them with larger configurations. What I like about them, is that they are very light (using them with disposables is so easy) and they come with several options to adjust the stroke length.

There is a black bearing (short stroke - as in IMPOSSIBLY SHORT), a gold bearing (the middle ground - the one I like), and a silver bearing (very long stroke - so long, the machine feels a little jumpy in my hand).

I tried all three to see what worked best for me. As long as I move slowly, I can line with the gold bearing just fine. Sometimes, I use it for lettering pieces - especially if the lettering is skinny and delicate, I will line and fill it in as i go along. Sometimes, it makes the job go by so quickly, that I have to charge by the piece instead of by time.

10-26-2010, 10:48 PM
I have a couple stealths also and like them so far. what is strange is.. correct me if i'm wrong but a liner should have a shorter stroke witch would run faster right? why is the stealth liner 2mm and shader 1mm swing. Im confused.

11-18-2010, 11:25 PM
on the stroke is a matter of the user... some like short stoke and fast moving and some like a longer stroke and slow machine,it depends on the artist style... I have 5 stealth and 2 gen 6... I have 2 of them with 1mm stoke and use for blk & gry I like a fast moving machine for blk and grey to get smoother blends I also use long tapers or bug pins. and I have pushed 15 and 23 mags with these machine.. I use the 1.5 mm for color and some blk and grey I use the gen 6 for linning.

Alie K
11-19-2010, 12:27 AM
Yeah, I don't go by their (stealth) bearing lengths either. I mainly use the gold one if I use that machine. The silver one is way too chattery feeling. I use the gold bearing for everything if I am using that machine and just increase or decrease the voltage.