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View Full Version : Different size offset bearings for direct drive orbital

01-03-2013, 11:48 PM
Wondering if any one knfood good place to find these. I'm not sure the correct name for them. I have a direct drive and want a larger bearing. I know they are for something other then tattoo machines so any links would be great.

01-04-2013, 12:30 AM
Are you talking about the spindle? Or the bearing? Are you looking for a longer stroke?

01-04-2013, 12:50 AM
I have two direct drives both with the gold bearing with the smaller bearing on top that the needle bar attaches to. One is like a 2mm stroke the other 4mm. Just wondering where to get these what there called etc.

01-04-2013, 07:04 AM
I would ask Dale ( Rotary Works ) or Dan Kubin or any other builder that makes direct drive machines. I am sure any of them could sell you a new spindle.

But as far as finding an offset spindle for another use, it might be difficult. There are a lot of variables that you need to consider. The diameter of your motor shaft. The offset distance from center of the hole for the bearing.

But if it is just the bearing that you need for attaching the needle. Those are easy to find on ebay.

01-04-2013, 10:56 PM
Wondering if any one knfood good place to find these. I'm not sure the correct name for them. I have a direct drive and want a larger bearing. I know they are for something other then tattoo machines so any links would be great.

Dan has been known to sell these in the past. Knowing your motor shaft diameter will help.

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