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01-06-2013, 05:22 PM
Had a chap call into the shop with a relatively fresh name tattoo along his inner forearm, unfortunately Elaine has left him. When he left the shop we all said there was no chance anyone would touch it ! Any ways heres me doodle/idea(very very early rough idea) ..any thoughts ..improvements ..greatly appreciated. 15721all sharpie on paper at the moment

01-06-2013, 05:30 PM
If I walked in with that God awful Old English script, and walked out with just your sharpie work I'd be a much happier man :D

All joking aside, I think its kinda cool, and a very creative approach to the bane of shop life!

01-06-2013, 05:44 PM
I'd be proud to rock that after having that name on me. Nice approach by keeping some of the old and adding a bit of new

01-06-2013, 05:51 PM
pure genius capturing the emotion of the experience ..........or not ....nice

01-06-2013, 06:01 PM
cool the way your turned that around for him dude he should be well proud to ware your design :)

01-06-2013, 09:19 PM
google up some trash polka. your idea is solid but could use a bit of polish.

01-07-2013, 04:41 PM
Thanks for the input chaps, shall see what client thinks before i spend any more time on this though as i get the feeling he doesnt really understand the compromises i need to take into account

01-07-2013, 11:24 PM
lol they rarely do.

01-14-2013, 05:34 PM
Result! Client likes the idea and i can polish it to suit a 4 hour sitting.....because Elaine is paying:p

01-14-2013, 06:13 PM
Haha nice one dude looking forward to seen the end result :D

01-14-2013, 08:54 PM
Sorry maybe im the dick here... but that screams cover up to me. If that's your solution - I suggest you don't do it.

The black over the e will just make the e darker, the P is jammed so close to the a, that it looks like its trying to hump it and the rest of it just makes it look like a cover up.

You may be trying to help the guy - but that looks like crap.

01-14-2013, 09:13 PM
Sorry maybe im the dick here... but that screams cover up to me. If that's your solution - I suggest you don't do it.

The black over the e will just make the e darker, the P is jammed so close to the a, that it looks like its trying to hump it and the rest of it just makes it look like a cover up.

You may be trying to help the guy - but that looks like crap. Well, are you gonna help the guy out w/ a good idea for covering that huge name up? My recommendation is to get it lasered a couple of times & then it will be faded enough to not have to put something so dark over it.

01-14-2013, 10:50 PM
Getting it lightened by laser is going to help for sure.

I would suggest stuff but the picture doesn't tell me where on the arm is it. I also didn't talk to the customer and have no idea what they are willing to get to cover it.

There's quite a few things that can cover that for sure - but where on the arm, what his budget is and what kind of tattoo style he wants and likes are all factors in it.

01-14-2013, 11:00 PM
It's just one of those "you get more flies w/ honey than w/ shit" type of situations. Anybody can call Casey a worthless S.O.B., but the question is can you help the guy? Which is what he was kinda asking for in the first place I think.

01-15-2013, 12:17 AM
It's just one of those "you get more flies w/ honey than w/ shit" type of situations. Anybody can call Casey a worthless S.O.B., but the question is can you help the guy? Which is what he was kinda asking for in the first place I think.


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01-15-2013, 07:17 AM
Anybody can call Casey a worthless S.O.B., but the question is can you help the guy?.


Looking quite good upto now casey IMO.

01-15-2013, 12:12 PM
He asked for thoughts etc. My thoughts are what I said - the crit was not in any shape or form insulting or a personal attack. If he posted a pic with a better idea where it was and asked for suggestions that would be one thing, but I got "what do you think of this" out of it - so I posted what I thought.

I really like this forum - but its peculiar that some of the crits are blunt and to the point and yet others say nothing. It needed to be said, for some reason no one said what I thought needed to be said. Someone posts a kick ass Hyanna and someone nitpicked regarding one of the eyes, and yet this is posted and no one says anything direct or any sort of crit.

We are supposed to be professionals - there are many boards I have and am a member of and this would have been an unceremonious tear down.

I was honest, gave my thoughts and did not get personal, fine I am a dick, whatever I still think this is not a good way to cover it, and if he wants to post more info regarding the client and the tattoo I would be more than willing to suggest some things to try to help. I said what I thought, I stand by it and I would be more than willing to help with better ideas etc, but I would need more info to do that.

01-15-2013, 12:16 PM
It's just one of those "you get more flies w/ honey than w/ shit" type of situations. Anybody can call Casey a worthless S.O.B., but the question is can you help the guy? Which is what he was kinda asking for in the first place I think.

I said no such thing, he kinda asked for help and I kinda posted a crit. If he wants to respond give more info and looks for help I'd be willing to in a heart beat

01-15-2013, 12:38 PM
Now that's that honey I was talking about. That was good. Didn't that feel better?

01-15-2013, 01:25 PM
From what I see is on a forearm (inside) copy the picture or ask Casey to send you a better one if he has and doodle your idea (if you think you have a better one). There is more than one way to skin a cat.Instead we look for more problems we should try to find solutions, is really handy to drop a critique, but would not just been easier to come with a better idea how to cover it ? You highlighted some bad points of this way of covering up this way, what would be your approach on this one excluding laser treatment?

01-15-2013, 01:30 PM
I for example have two main ways of approaching a cover up. Either I loose the old tattoo by designing something black on top just like Casey did and the other way I use the clean skin around the tattoo to design whatever the space allows me and do like a dark background on top of the old tattoo. Hope is making sense!
Depends on the budget or how much bigger the person wants to go!

01-15-2013, 01:56 PM
i tend to blast right over these types of things, asian stuff works well. there is a dragon off of a jack rudy and filip leu set we call the cover all dragon. i know my approach isn't always well received by tattooers in discussion groups like this but my customers are always happy.


01-15-2013, 03:53 PM
Result! 3 pages on a thread i started ...internet fame at last. So i take it you dont like the idea Niveck, no problem buddy after all its a very chaotic style(which is really becoming popular in europe i believe?) and i too can see some downfalls. Client absolutely refuses laser and wants it covered asap , i believe its less than 3 months old so not too sure how effective laser would be at this stage (if he wanted it) It is positioned on his inner forearm , his outer forearm consists of poorly done swallows and suchlike , another blight on the skin of thousands of Brits! I always encourage criticism towards any of my work both positive and more importantly negative (imo) as i believe this helps immensely with improvements especially when solutions no matter how small are offered. Absolutely natural that any works by any persons is not going to be well received by all parties, that would in fact make life and more importantly this great craft shite!

01-15-2013, 04:43 PM
i for one think your approach is very creative and artistic just not one i would try, really just a matter of styles and like u said the other side has a bunch of muck so you are prolly going at this the correct way. someone early said something about doing the customer right, etc etc. I think the person that put this mess on him is the one who should have been thinking that way. i would have tried explaining why a fancy script would have been better or how tattoos or art in general is language without words and a nice clean tattoo that expressed his feeling would be better than big macho ol english lettering.

fuck bitches get money


01-16-2013, 10:31 AM
I find breaking up the existing shapes by changing the direction the eye looks at the piece works better than just packing black over it. With black on black you are saturating more color into an area that is dark. With a bit of time and god forbid some sun, the black that is under the black will show through. It's the same reason that a large color patch wont work well in covering something. I find things like koi dragons etc work very well for covering, even more so if you use blends to "break" up the existing areas.

Doing something like lining then putting a flesh tone or white in the dark areas can lighten the image enough to help cover it with dark to light blends.

Flowers can do the same - the lines from different shape flowers. Saturate some dark colors blend them out to lighter tones and use a light background where you can.

Japanese that has color in the foreground and greys in the background work well because they change how the eye looks at the piece. Yes you will see areas that you can see if you stand and stare at it and know what to look for, but to most people won't see it. Big areas of solid color (or black) do not cover as well as dark to light blends cause you can losing things.

One of the easiest ways I find to cover stuff is to go bigger and bury it.

I always tell people getting cover ups to come back in a month for a "second hit" so you can saturate more colors in places that its needed.

Casey when I look at your stuff - I think you can defiantly come up with something - You are right about that style not being my thing, but I also see that you could come up with something that would work better. That being said, your have a strength in portrait style work, which I feel is one of my greatest weaknesses, so who knows.

If I has some time to, I would print and sketch some stuff, but I don't right now.

This whole thread has also made me very aware that I need to update my online portfolio.....


01-16-2013, 12:06 PM
^^^^^Now I respect you for that. You now have put forth real effort to help an artist, & also ended up putting out great cover up information that could help a lot of people on the entire forum. You probably don't give a shit about my personal opinion, but you understand my point about just calling someones idea "crap" & not really providing any help or ideas. I didn't mean any disrespect towards you @ all. & wasn't trying to piss anybody off. I just thought it could go smoother w/ someone pretty much asking for help.

01-16-2013, 01:21 PM
Top man Nivek, some great advice there buddy. The idea shown was as i say very rough and when completed i will use my portraits strengths as best i can to give the faces or sections of faces as realistic slant as i can and also make the whole piece a little busier to keep the eyes occupied if that makes sense. As for covering the black with black i do intend to do this in stages, first i shall merely work up to the existing black and then i shall get him to call back to cover both the old and new black, have had great success with this in the past (fortunately here its not raised) Have discovered after a quick internet trawl that the "trash polka" style which im aiming for is very much a love it or hate it style and if im being totally honest i dont always get it, but it is becoming more and more popular around here. Once again Nivek thankyou so much for your input, it is greatly appreciated:)

01-16-2013, 08:42 PM
^^^^^Now I respect you for that. You now have put forth real effort to help an artist, & also ended up putting out great cover up information that could help a lot of people on the entire forum. You probably don't give a shit about my personal opinion, but you understand my point about just calling someones idea "crap" & not really providing any help or ideas. I didn't mean any disrespect towards you @ all. & wasn't trying to piss anybody off. I just thought it could go smoother w/ someone pretty much asking for help.

Yup I get your point, and agree to a point. I do see your opinion and its allll good, sir.

01-16-2013, 08:44 PM
Casey - why not try a black blended to a dark blue splotch, maybe with some highlights ? Fusions power blue is GREAT for c/u work

01-16-2013, 08:54 PM
Just for reference (in case you guys haven't seen Buena Vista yet).... here is some AMAZING trash polka:


01-20-2013, 06:11 PM
16115Quick update, still lots to refine , going to play about with different spacings between the shading between the letters to attempt to take your eye off the P humping the A, optical illusions are fun:)

01-20-2013, 06:18 PM
bang on casey just wonder if the hair was a little higher to balance the black splat ..that's just me mate nice job!!!!!!