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View Full Version : Random but I was curious

01-10-2013, 01:37 PM
Does anyone know what actually happened to Neuma? Are they going to still be in business? Just curious lol. I dont know why I even thought to ask but I noticed there website hasnt changed.

01-10-2013, 02:07 PM
I think the rotary explosion is what happened to Neuma. Rotaries have the same movement, weight, & no need to tune but without an air regulator & compressor to buy to make them work. That was the dis-avantage that I saw when they came out. When they came out, I had coil machines that did the same job already. If I wanted to get a Neuma set up I would be out @ least $1,000 & for machines that didn't really have any real advantages to a coil as far as a finished tattoo. They didn't make you tattoo better, they were just a different road to get to the same place. Rotaries on the other hand run the same power supply that you run coils on.

01-10-2013, 03:13 PM
yeah i know, I remeber when they first came out, i was lucky enough to grap a prototype off them. Just was going through some older photos and thought ((hmmm, whatever happened to there machines)) lol. I would however like to see some new innovations if they decided to come back on the market.

01-10-2013, 03:34 PM
I would just think that it would be an added pain in the ass for you to have to start messing w/ hoses & a compressor again.

01-10-2013, 03:46 PM
oh yeah i know. haha I wasnt talking about the compressed air machines. just machines in general lol

02-06-2013, 09:48 AM
although with the hybrid you can get an electric motor which clips on the back, still lighter than coils and works almost the same as the air. its a magnet moving the prop inside rather than air. pretty cool but in terms of marketing it was slightly too late, the rotary explosion kinda dampened it.