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View Full Version : international rotaries

02-23-2011, 05:00 PM
has anyone tried any of the internation rotary tattoo machines? i believe the their called damascus and they also have a "cosmetic rotary" ive used their coil machines with no problems and was wondering what their rotaries are like? also anyone have any other recommendations to any other linier motion rotaries on the more "affordable" side of things? ... other than the stealth? lol thanks

02-23-2011, 05:10 PM
Depends on which ITS rotary you are talking about but keep in mind they are all made in china so it will be buyer beware. Linear, off the top of my head you are looking at a neo-tat, tattooed pirate, bishop, blitz, rotaryworks, or a special technique (if they are still making linear)

The stealth is an armature bar machine and there are several builders that make a machine with a very similar drive system. If you have questions of specific builders on here they usually have a big red badge under their name. Otherwise I am sure there will be a pile of people posting in minutes to tell you what machines they love the most. The best thing is to help by telling us what type work you currently do and what you are looking for in a rotary machine.

02-23-2011, 05:17 PM
there have been alot of good things written about the rotaryworks linear machine and they are the most affordable of the quality built linear machines..

02-23-2011, 05:22 PM
Neo-Tat and RotaryWorks are about the most affordable. Both are damn near indestructible machines and come from builders that hang out on the site when they are not busy, well building :)

02-23-2011, 05:40 PM
the new rca bluderbuss would be a sure thing-has the rapier2 front end and can be updated with a motor swap etc.

02-23-2011, 06:08 PM
Did not think of the Blunderbus! Should really make a thread with machines and the average retail price of them.

02-23-2011, 06:55 PM
Ive only been tattooing a couple years now and am still rather novice cuz the person i was mentoring under decided to stop teaching me and left the shop and starting tattooing with someone else and now just shoots off about his former coworkers, Ive unfortunately over the last couple years had to run a home studio which in a small town area leaves me as a last resort for the 3 other shops currently in this area... anyways ive continued learning and recently my interest has been sparked by the different rotaries so im a complete newbie to the rotary world so when i was saying linier motion i guess i kinda lumped everything like neo-tats and stealth into the same sort of rotary "genre" sorry guys. But in any case im open to any and all suggestions for rotaries that have a more straight up and down motion like a coil machine if this helps at all thanks again guys i appreciate it
and here are the links to the ones from international i was referring to also:


02-23-2011, 07:15 PM
get a neotat great machine at a super price

The Limey
02-23-2011, 08:18 PM
In no particular order; blunderbuss, Neotat or Rotary Works will all work for you without breaking the bank.

Alie K
02-25-2011, 12:32 AM
I wholeheartedly agree. Don't mess around with machines from ITS. It's mostly going to be inexpensive Chinese junk. Sometimes you will get something that actually works, but more times than not, it will crap out on you in no time. Get a decent machine from someone who stands behind it. Just like Limey says, those machines are awesome.

02-25-2011, 01:16 AM
Ive only been tattooing a couple years now and am still rather novice cuz the person i was mentoring under decided to stop teaching me and left the shop and starting tattooing with someone else and now just shoots off about his former coworkers, Ive unfortunately over the last couple years had to run a home studio which in a small town area leaves me as a last resort for the 3 other shops currently in this area... anyways ive continued learning and recently my interest has been sparked by the different rotaries so im a complete newbie to the rotary world so when i was saying linier motion i guess i kinda lumped everything like neo-tats and stealth into the same sort of rotary "genre" sorry guys. But in any case im open to any and all suggestions for rotaries that have a more straight up and down motion like a coil machine if this helps at all thanks again guys i appreciate it
and here are the links to the ones from international i was referring to also:


those machine are crap dont waste your money!!!

buy a neo tat, rotary works or a bishop..the swash drives are reat macine's as well