View Full Version : Needle runner

03-02-2013, 12:32 PM
I just got a sample of needle runners and im liking the idea of them, but there seem so be a little play in the tube, not a tight fit any one else experience this, is a possible solution a piece of tape

03-02-2013, 12:43 PM
A little play is probably no big deal. Dig around there are multiple threads in here about those with some people complaining they are too tight.

sent from my oobnoxiosly large galaxy note phone thing via tapatalk.

03-02-2013, 12:46 PM
im diggin,, :rolleyes:

03-02-2013, 01:03 PM
There was also two generations of needle runner. The early ones where a little bowed of looked a little like a saddle. Dale from rotary works was really big on these with his machines.

sent from my oobnoxiosly large galaxy note phone thing via tapatalk.

Sage Oz
03-02-2013, 01:18 PM
You can also smear a bit of vasoline on them as you load the needle in to tube(after they are clicked in place) to take up space and lube them at the same time...

03-02-2013, 01:29 PM
nice thats what ill do my hopes is the act similar to a needle clip on say a Impact, neotat, or bishop.. also i have a new DD from nick i am gonna try them with

03-02-2013, 01:40 PM
There was also two generations of needle runner. The early ones where a little bowed of looked a little like a saddle. Dale from rotary works was really big on these with his machines.

sent from my oobnoxiosly large galaxy note phone thing via tapatalk.

thats actually who i got a sample from.lol..

03-02-2013, 10:01 PM
the first needle runner(which they still make)work best on tatsoul bars and other ones with skinny bars.The new ones work pretty much on everything else good.

03-02-2013, 10:35 PM
well i used the needle runner on the direct drive and on the RW all I can say is it did the job didnt even no it was there and worked just as good as rubber band. I dont see myself abandoning rubberbands completely most likely gonna us the needle runners on select machines. also the play in the tube seems to decrease the futher down the tube the runner goes. I liked em ;)

(Opted Out)
09-21-2013, 01:20 PM
got some needle runners today.. tried them with a mag didn't notice anything different but im sure they will help with lining...

peter clements
09-22-2013, 08:45 AM
You do have to make freinds with them, BUT,they work superbly with some machine/tubes ,i.e DKs . I like them ,and has been said use bands aswell, they really come into their own with DDs.

09-22-2013, 12:57 PM
I used them, took some getting used to, but when I did I liked them. However, It was a brief love affair, as I soon went back to rubber bands.