View Full Version : thermal fax

03-20-2013, 01:45 AM
well I thought I would post this here..so today as I was preparing for a tattoo I could I caught a funny smell..almost like how tubes smell when drying in the autoclave...we walked around the shop looking and checking things..nothing found everything seemed fine.I get the outline done and bamm I get a big whiff of smoke I look up and see smoke all in the shop..we jump up and find the thermofax had burst into flames..we are like WTF.. get the fire out and clear the shop.
so if you have the newer one like this

make sure you keep and eye on it.

03-20-2013, 01:49 AM
Another reason hand stencils are the best!!! Glad you were there to catch it and noone got hurt... or more important noones machines got hurt.

03-20-2013, 08:50 AM
Similar thing happened to a friend that bought one from ... lets just say they rhyme with Bike-on. I have an ancient one I bought for 900 three years ago, he bought one shortly after from the same guy, both are still running great.