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06-16-2013, 12:30 AM
My idol, Sean Herman, tattooing. He told me he uses Shagbuilt rotaries and Bishops...but I'm not sure what machine this is.


06-16-2013, 12:45 AM
E-mail this picture to him & ask HIM. Problem solved. You should check out some good magazines & find your new "idol".

06-16-2013, 01:06 AM
Lauro Paolini Vertigo?


06-16-2013, 01:24 AM
You should probably change your username to Trolling Dickface. I just think it's crazy that you would think of Sean as an "idol" w/ all of the awesome artist that are out there. I'm sure Sean would agree w/ me. I really do think you should contact him & ask him what machine that is, he is a really nice guy. You are showing your age w/ the username suggestion. I also think it's odd that you got so offended that someone disagreed w/ you. Haha! I was suggesting a real easy way to get an answer to your question. Work smarter not harder. Haha!

06-16-2013, 01:41 AM
Don't go to bed mad, I sent you a friend request!

06-16-2013, 03:13 AM
I just think it's crazy that you would think of Sean as an "idol"


I can see exactly why anyone would idolise this guy, he is artistically brilliant and technically flawless

(Opted Out)
06-16-2013, 03:38 AM

I can see exactly why anyone would idolise this guy, he is artistically brilliant and technically flawless

Just looked through that yeah hes artistically and technicaly brilliant..! Not everyone has to love the same artists serial

peter clements
06-16-2013, 09:00 AM
Can't see enough of the machine on the picture to hazard a guess, took a look at the mans' portfolio though ,he's a damn good Tattoo artist.

06-16-2013, 11:26 AM
yes @wildboy i would say Lauro Paolini Vertigo too ...

06-16-2013, 11:55 AM
I didn't say he wasn't any good. I know him personally. He apprenticed @ my shop. I also know the benefits of Photoshop.

06-16-2013, 12:31 PM
Great artist, good composition and technique , telling someone who not to like or look up to, pretty narrow minded and judge mental, not cool.

06-16-2013, 12:36 PM
Just looked through that yeah hes artistically and technicaly brilliant..! Not everyone has to love the same artists serial I'm not rying to talk anybody into not liking Sean. I am saying "IDOL" is a STRONG word. Sometimes idolizing someone can make it to where you don't believe that you can do the same & it can keep you from aiming high. I'm sure Sean didn't do that & look @ him now, he's an IDOl. Haha!

06-16-2013, 12:55 PM
Great artist, good composition and technique , telling someone who not to like or look up to, pretty narrow minded and judge mental, not cool. Re-read all of my posts. Nothing malicious was intended @ all. I'm not worried about being cool, I am too old to give a shit. Since you ARE worried about what's cool, I'll let you in on what is NOT cool. Not knowing how to form a sentence correctly, that's not cool. NOT COOL.
You guys should not like ME. I bet that something we all can agree on,huh?
You guys have a great Fathers Day. I'm going to continue to enjoy mine but w/ my little girl now. I have had fun. I hope you guys day gets better. I will let Sean know that his honor has been defended & that he is idolized.

06-16-2013, 01:08 PM
Jesus Serial what a dick - suggesting he e-mail the guy to get the answer.. wtf!!??! Next thing you are going to do is post a link to his e-mail so he can contact him... <---- sarcasm just in case someone doesn't get it.

I don't know what the hell is happening to this generation, but everyone gets butt hurt over nothing. One of the coolest things that ever happened to me was meeting and getting tattooed by Jeff Zuck, down to earth really friendly guy that actually talked with me while he tattooed me. Since then I have had the chance to meet a lot of guys that I look up to, and most have the same thing in common - relaxed and cool. Craig Driscoll is another fine example as well as Aaron Cain etc.

I also learned that the talented guys that are friends already are even better people to look up to because when they are cool you can actually talk to them re: technique etc.

The only difference between an "idol" and a friend is they don't know you.. yet.

I urge everyone - try to get in touch with the guys you look up to, whether its their art, technique or whatever. There are some good god damned people out there, and in a community like ours it is very important that we get to know one another.

Serial - friend request sent.

06-16-2013, 01:13 PM
Re-read all of my posts. Nothing malicious was intended @ all. I'm not worried about being cool, I am too old to give a shit. Since you ARE worried about what's cool, I'll let you in on what is NOT cool. Not knowing how to form a sentence correctly, that's not cool. NOT COOL.
You guys should not like ME. I bet that something we all can agree on,huh?
You guys have a great Fathers Day. I'm going to continue to enjoy mine but w/ my little girl now. I have had fun. I hope you guys day gets better. I will let Sean know that he honor has been defended & that he is idolized.
Form a sentence huh? "I hope you guys day gets better" lol aren't you the expert on grammar, sounds like you can't take some of your own medicine. Handle it.

peter clements
06-16-2013, 01:33 PM
I think everyone should just calm down now. This is a great forum, but every now and then, the shit hits the fan, and nearly always over next to nothing.

06-16-2013, 02:08 PM
It looks like a stealth from this photo correct me if i m wrong 19669

No Iron Machines
06-16-2013, 02:33 PM
Must be the stealth, or some chinese similar

06-16-2013, 03:18 PM
or swiss lol

06-16-2013, 03:25 PM
Could be a stealth sure, could be a Swiss with a clip cord.. Why does everyone want to assume its the copy first? However the rubber and guards on the real swiss are a bit smaller.


06-16-2013, 05:21 PM
I only said stealth because he seems pretty close to Jeff ensminger who uses a stealth, pure assumption ^^

06-16-2013, 05:50 PM
Form a sentence huh? "I hope you guys day gets better" lol aren't you the expert on grammar, sounds like you can't take some of your own medicine. Handle it. That was intentional irony. I'ma frum tha South, get it? Besides, I already had my fun w/ you. I would enjoy it oh so much if you would have a great day sir.

06-16-2013, 09:54 PM
I didn't say he wasn't any good. I know him personally. He apprenticed @ my shop. I also know the benefits of Photoshop.

Makes a ton of sense why you think he isn't that great and why you feel the need to belittle someone. He's obviously surpassed you by a few miles in his career. You must feel like a tard now and you feel the need to take it out in idiotic troll comments on here.

06-16-2013, 10:02 PM
Makes a ton of sense why you think he isn't that great and why you feel the need to belittle someone. He's obviously surpassed you by a few miles in his career. You must feel like a tard now and you feel the need to take it out in idiotic troll comments on here. No, it makes me feel great that my shop is where your "IDOL" came from. BOOOOOOOOY!!!! Haha! Also, I never belittled Sean. I never said anything malicious. Re-read my posts. A few of you guys disagreed w/ me & started attacking because I nor Sean believes that he should be considered as an idol. You guys somehow got your feelings hurt & decided to turn this into something bigger. I am just defending myself from youz guyz talkin shit. Quite successfully I might add. Haha! You guys are so much fun for me, I don't know why you won't accept my friend request.

06-16-2013, 10:44 PM
Is the use of photoshop a bad thing? I enjoy photoshop it's awesome for reference and things of that nature. Also really rad to get things ready for posting or photo album. I enjoy it as another tool of the trade that if you're able to you can utilize to create an even better final product!

Back to post seems a stealth but the photo is really to small to say for sure

06-16-2013, 11:14 PM
Is the use of photoshop a bad thing? I enjoy photoshop it's awesome for reference and things of that nature. Also really rad to get things ready for posting or photo album. I enjoy it as another tool of the trade that if you're able to you can utilize to create an even better final product!

Back to post seems a stealth but the photo is really to small to say for sure I think Photoshop is a great tool also, that's why I was saying that I knew the benefits of it. I bet the best in the world don't use it though. They don't need it. Those ARTISTS just draw it on, whole body parts @ a time, & those are the artists that should be considered idols, to me. That is just my opinion.

06-16-2013, 11:42 PM
Yea I agree I have seen some of the best in the world use photoshop and freehand I think it becomes an issue when you can't tattoo with out photoshop you know like if someone asked you for something custom like say bio mech and you can't do it that's an issue. Like I said before is have seen the best use it or not it's preference and situational in my humble opinion

06-17-2013, 12:24 AM
Photoshop has it's place in prepping for a tattoo , designing figuring out colors and a number of artist also draw/paint digitally to get designs ready (Jason Jacenko comes to mind ). And even doing some work on the pic of the tattoo as far as adjusting for crappy light or flash glare or remove a really nasty pimple next to a tattoo , though some can get carried away I've seen people crank up the saturation so high the person looks almost grey compared to the tattoo.
I admit I haven't met a lot of famous artist in person I have corresponded with a few online and have noticed the really good ones are often very cool.
Likely because they have nothing to prove they're good and they know it.

seawall paul
06-18-2013, 02:14 AM
Who cares if he's tattooing with a butter knife, must have really punched your ego spot to get so much negative attention , give credit where it's due...wtf

seawall paul
06-18-2013, 02:17 AM
Btw I met Jim, this isn't an artistic endeavor wolf, in ft Walton fag so get over yourself , douche.

seawall paul
06-18-2013, 02:22 AM

Talks shit but won't put up his real name...

06-18-2013, 06:54 AM

06-18-2013, 11:40 AM

Talks shit but won't put up his real name... My website (aerochild.com) w/ more recent work of mine is at the bottom of every post that I put up. I don't know how many times I have to repeat myself, but if you go back & read all of my posts above, you will see that there is nothing bad said about Sean in any of this from me.(Sean being the subject here.) I feel like somewhere in all of this you must have got YOUR ego hurt SOMEHOW to have come into this trying to attack my background & calling me a "fag" for no reason. I don't know if I might have belittled one of you boyfriends on here or what but, you sure are trying to get personal w/ me. Jim Wolfe has been tattooing in street shops for 40+ years & has owned that shop in Ft. Walton for more than 20. He also taught me a skill that allows me to provide for my family. If it wasn't for him I might be dead or in prison by now.If you think that makes me feel bad, you are sadly mistaken.That is like trying to give me shit about who my parents are. You cute little wanna be bully.

And now to end you you prick: I will keep this simple. Go to aerochild.com & compare my work to yours. I'm sure everybody that reads this will. We have been tattooing for the same amount of time. Even the site that you posted up here is tattoos I did from 10 & 15 years ago & they put you to shame. I am in no way in an art competition w/ anybody, I just aim to do good clean tattoos. If you would have left your remarks @ the first post I would have handled you like I did the rest. Since you want to try to attack me personally, I had to show you as the mental wimp that you are. In front of your peers & whomever your boyfriend is in here. I hope you have a great day of tattooing, & I look forward to your quick, idiotic, & uncalled for response to this.

By the way seawall(paul murray)<---(I was helping you out since you must have forgotten to post YOUR name), I sent you a friend request sweetie. I hope you accept.

06-18-2013, 11:43 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wc1YGSNGxsw I think you have done trains a disservice by associating them w/ ol "seawall paul"(that scurvy dog,Aaaaargh). I think of him as just another poor soul that has stepped out in front of my my train. Hahahahahahahaha!

06-18-2013, 12:25 PM
So let's clarify something, when I said "I just think it's crazy that you would think of Sean as an "idol"" I guess I just think of him as a normal guy & not as an idol. I guess maybe this somehow got construed as "his work sucks" or something. I don't know, but you guys sure are pissed off, about what exactly I don't know.

I will tell you one thing though, if you come buzzing around trying to insult me, I'm going to swat you down every time. You would have to expect me to defend myself. I THINK this was pretty much done until seawall decided to jump in. He got his though. DAMN seawall why you gotta be bringin up old shit!? Hahahaha!

06-18-2013, 12:34 PM

I have to bookmark this vid link , it'll come in handy I'm sure.

seawall paul
06-18-2013, 12:45 PM
Wow! I'll pass on that. I'm neither threatened nor insulated to boot.

06-18-2013, 01:09 PM
Wow! I'll pass on that. I'm neither threatened nor insulated to boot. Yeah you are. Or if you aren't , that might attest to your intelligence or lack there of. Not to mention your "insulated boot" Hahahahahah! Re-read your last post, thinker. Come on & be my "friend", I can teach you how to defend yourself in a forum. Hahahah!

06-18-2013, 01:23 PM
Hey Serial, if you replied with that idol comment to me, I wouldn't mind at all. Or maybe just a bit, but not enough to get mad or anything. But, I can see how it might be offensive to some. Kinda like insulting their taste in art. He obviously looks up to the guy, and to suggest he go look up magazines to find a better guy to look up too can kinda make it seem like he has a low standard for what makes good tattoo art. I'm not on any side here btw. Just trying to get you guys to see eye to eye. Heath was obviously overreacting with his mature comment. Pretty sure it was just a knee jerk reaction as he took the comment a different way than intended. And I'm sure you didn't intend to offend. And as for everyone else side bustin, well, it definitely didn't help by adding fuel to the fire by picking sides. Lets move past this. Ok, group hug now guys!

06-18-2013, 01:24 PM
As for the machine. Looks like a swiss or stealth to me.

06-18-2013, 01:50 PM
Hey Serial, if you replied with that idol comment to me, I wouldn't mind at all. Or maybe just a bit, but not enough to get mad or anything. But, I can see how it might be offensive to some. Kinda like insulting their taste in art. He obviously looks up to the guy, and to suggest he go look up magazines to find a better guy to look up too can kinda make it seem like he has a low standard for what makes good tattoo art. I'm not on any side here btw. Just trying to get you guys to see eye to eye. Heath was obviously overreacting with his mature comment. Pretty sure it was just a knee jerk reaction as he took the comment a different way than intended. And I'm sure you didn't intend to offend. And as for everyone else side bustin, well, it definitely didn't help by adding fuel to the fire by picking sides. Lets move past this. Ok, group hug now guys! I agree w/ you. Although I won't allow anybody to disrespect me for free. Heath, I apologize for offending you w/ my 1st comment. That was not my intent. I just think there are many other guys & girls that have been tattooing really awesome for a lot longer that more so deserve your idolization. That is just my opinion. Now I actually do hope you accept my friend request Heath.
As far as "Hurtu" & "seawall paul" goes, I have sent both of you friend requests & hopefully we can be done w/ this SHIT & move on w/ our lives & this forum.

06-18-2013, 01:57 PM
BEER anybody? Or whatever other beverage that you like to enjoy whilst relaxing?

06-18-2013, 02:07 PM

...Oh, wait, have I missed it? :o

I'll have a peach schnapps, or a drop of Creme de Menthe :eek:

I'm going with a Swiss...


Its kinda blurry, but that looks like a Swiss badge on the vice knob to me :)

peter clements
06-18-2013, 03:35 PM
I love Beer, and this is my favorite http://pictures.polandforall.com/tyskie-gronie-polish-beer.html ,and I idolise the polish brewer that created it...............Now don't anybody dare start on me, or I'll go postal:mad:.

seawall paul
06-18-2013, 03:43 PM
Ipad mini is kinda small, difficult to type on,thanks for calling me an idiot or whatever, just so long as its not sweetie again.

06-18-2013, 03:44 PM
Hey I didn't choose sides lol but still want a beer!!!

06-18-2013, 03:47 PM
Did I get it right?

Where's my prize :)

06-18-2013, 04:09 PM
I love Beer, and this is my favorite http://pictures.polandforall.com/tyskie-gronie-polish-beer.html ,and I idolise the polish brewer that created it...............Now don't anybody dare start on me, or I'll go postal:mad:. The brewer you should idolize is...... Hahah! I'm just kidding.

06-18-2013, 04:09 PM
Ipad mini is kinda small, difficult to type on,thanks for calling me an idiot or whatever, just so long as its not sweetie again. Hahahah!I promise to not call you sweetie again.

06-18-2013, 04:13 PM
You can call me sweetie!

As long as the sentence is... "Yes sweetie, it is a Swiss, you got it right!" :o

06-18-2013, 04:25 PM
You can call me sweetie!

As long as the sentence is... "Yes sweetie, it is a Swiss, you got it right!" :o Hahhahahahahaahahahahahahhahah! Yes sweetie, it is a Swiss, you got it right! I think you should just stick to what you don't have to guess @ which is making those bad ass machines like the one you posted today. Now that is what is sweet.

06-18-2013, 04:57 PM
Ok everyone gather round the campfire with some marshmallows and do a few verses of Cumbayah.

06-18-2013, 05:23 PM
I take a few days off and come back to this...

06-18-2013, 05:29 PM
I take a few days off and come back to this... Hahaha! I have been expecting you. I think we have it worked though.

seawall paul
06-18-2013, 06:27 PM
One beer to many and I saw that pine cone tattoo, ewe. Put some new stuff up. And yes I am an ass often.

06-18-2013, 06:44 PM
Sounds good man, thanks.

Jack Steel
06-23-2013, 09:33 AM
yes @wildboy i would say Lauro Paolini Vertigo too ...

Just F.Y.I lauro Copied the BISHOP as his 'own creation' .

06-24-2013, 10:07 PM
I've been tattooing way too much lately and just now read everything here. It's all good Serial I just used the word idol more or less jokingly. I love his work and I think no one can match his style...I know of tons of other artists out there but in my 8 years of tattooing Sean's work has always impressed me greatly. I'm actually hoping to get my whole chest done by him someday.

06-24-2013, 10:50 PM
blew it up on photo shop... cant tell..

06-24-2013, 11:04 PM
I've been tattooing way too much lately and just now read everything here. It's all good Serial I just used the word idol more or less jokingly. I love his work and I think no one can match his style...I know of tons of other artists out there but in my 8 years of tattooing Sean's work has always impressed me greatly. I'm actually hoping to get my whole chest done by him someday. Sean is a real good guy. I hope that you will accept my friend request.

Panos tattoo
11-15-2013, 06:09 PM
too late for a post but this is what i love in this forum.it reminds me of bars in my neighborhood.fight for almost no reason and after some broken teeth ,bleeding noses and broken furniture a few beers to become friends again.hahahahaha

11-15-2013, 09:37 PM
lol, I agree panos. reminds me of the good ol days. drinking a half gallon of jim beam and a two liter of mountain dew to wash it down. always was some craziness and bruises, then hugs and and regret, lol. old post but was enjoyable to read.:)

12-08-2013, 03:55 PM
Serial and I are friends now. :cool: This was a long time ago.

12-08-2013, 04:17 PM
Serial and I are friends now. :cool: This was a long time ago. Word to the 3rd.