Forum: Welcome! Guest!

Welcome to, the first online community dedicated to professional tattoo artists using Rotary Tattoo Machines.

HELLO! You are currently viewing the community as a guest which gives you limited access to view most discussion forums and message threads. By registering you will have full access to the site, the ability to post messages, unlock hidden forums, post questions, send private messages, build your own photo gallery and much more!

You will also make this annoying 'please register' message disappear forever. Because this forum is for working Professional Tattoo Artists and Machine Builders only! You must register with your credentials and be manually validated by one of the moderation staff. (You are not required to own a rotary tattoo machine to join)

If you tattoo out of your kitchen/basement/garage etc and are not a legitimate working professional tattooer or machine builder you are not welcome here! To make this clear; we manually validate all accounts based on the credentials you provide at registration. Failure to provide enough information to prove you are a legitimate working professional will either result in an email politely asking for more info or more likely, you will see your registration land in the trash bin and your account deleted and your IP adress blocked.

So what are you waiting for? Registration is fast (validation can take up to 24 hours), simple and absolutely free, so go ahead and join our community today!