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  1. #11
    Knows Whats Up! cagelavey's Avatar
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    Jul 2013
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    i hear you "FTW" its insane, brother. its just like rappers. anyone with a copy of fruityloops software, a mic, and a youtube account is a rapper nowadays. everyone in this country has such a feeling of entitlement they think they deserve the right to do whatever the fuck they want without ever having to work to achieve it, were a country full of shortcuts and cut corners. its just so fucked. in Indianapolis if you take a 30 dollar bloods borne pathogen test and have access to tattoo equipment, it doesn't matter if you have tattooed a day in your life you can go open a shop if you have the money to do so, and as long as those inadequate measures are met the county and board of health don't say shit. its crazy. what makes someone think that its okay to do some shit like that, and how can someone suck so substantially and think they are piping out some dope shit?! can you not look at quality tattoo work and see you are butchering people in comparison? i can, i am no where near where i want to be, but i can do some delicious lines, blend some grays/color and saturate on a level where the customer is happy and i am too when they leave. i strive every day to meet new goals for myself and when i finally met those goals i set more, because i care about what i do and i take pride in that.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    central Pa
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    I hear ya, Ive yet to master this craft either but I work at progressing all the time, and draw my ass off when I'm not tattooing.
    I'm deticated and driven to get where I want to be in this business and do get iratated when I come across theses jokers, Pa laws pretty much condone it so what can you do?
    I've seen straight up scratcher shops open in near by towns, and do a fair volume of work..but after fixing the ones possible and covering up their amateur work ,it just makes them loyal customers of mine.
    i get people asking why I bag my machine's, bottles and cords and just tell them it's the proper way it should done and I don't cut corners when it comes to their saftey or my own.
    im one of the few shops around with a current BBP certificate hanging on the wall and when people that come in that work in the health field see it they always tell me how much better they feel that I care enough to educate myself on the saftey aspects of the business.


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