Glad to resolve the issue. We didn't get his image atttachment in the email. That happens sometimes. All we got was a request for the marilyn image that we happen to send out on alot of our machines, problem was he thought we got his attachment and we didn't...and we thought he meant my marilyn image since there was no attachment....(by the way his marilyn image is very nice) All good tho. Miscommunication..I will say its really tuff to satisfy everyone and we can only do our best which brings me to another topic id like to discuss and perhaps get some feedback on..also a thank you to FK IRONS for the response to this first post in wich I think you as a quality builder can relate to customer demand and time issues that surface quite often when the weekly demand may be higher than the supply as each week presents different demands and obligations or very well the "time" it takes to make the product..Since any quality machine builder knows better not to sub out work to foreign countries, he therefore has an obligation to uphold to keep his product of a quality nature. A well built machine by hands on manufacturing and building all in house to control the since we operate in this manner, it sometimes gets overwhelming when I get angry customers that demand to get the machines asap and may assume that we are slacking off when often we as builders are doing quite the opposite and working ungodly hours sacrificing family time just to meet the demand..Lets face it, its normal to order something and wait impatiently for the package, I mean we have done that since we were kids right? and I completely understand that feeling with respect. I ordered some needles from germany the other day and I waited 2 weeks. I was anxious but was able to be patient and understanding and now I really like those needles. No matter what, We fulfill all of our orders within a 2 week turn around time althoughfrom time to time we get back ordered and this presents a longer wait, but I can assure you will enjoy the machines when they do arrive!! I am rooting for more patience and understanding for all kustom in house machine builders such as myself..can I please get an amen from somebody!! p.s. your right about the packaging and we are in the process of designing the new boxes that will be amazing!