Hi guys this is Artemis from Stigma thanks alot ,

We are working now on some material to introduce the AMEN and to give a better idea about for how it works and why it is so good for lining so we will start a new thread about it soon, in the meanwhile I need to say that with this system we don’t try to mimic the duty-cycle of coil machines or try to make them perform similar to them , we just believe that there is room for improvement a specially for lining and healing. We all know that most rotaries are not so good for lining but most of them are very good for shading if the stroke is not to long , and this happen on standard rotaries because the needles go up and down with an even motion and speed and push away the skin so they cannot leave much ink , to overcome this you need to increase the speed but this may cause other problems. We know there are some very good lining rotaries available I do not want to disagree with anyone about this but we wanted to create our own system that can perform optimally for all purposes so the AMEN comes with 3 different strokers, which are easily interchangeable. With the lining stroker the needles spend more time in the tube and less time in the skin ( on every cycle ) causing less trauma ,when the needles move down and up to pierce the skin and get out of the skin, they move faster than on standard rotaries but then they rest at the upper position for about one third of a complete rotation ( cycle ) this enables to pierce the skin more effortlessly and cause less trauma , the result is incredible one pass crisp lines.

For lining the 3.8mm stroker (duration time per cycle 35% needles down and 65% needles up).
For all Purpose the 3.5mm stroker (duration time per cycle 45% needles down and 55% needles up).
For shading the 3.0mm stroker (duration time per cycle 50% needles down and 50% needles up) , We made the shading stroker to have the same behavior as standard rotaries because we believe that short stroke standard rotaries are optimal for shading.
The AMEN is compatible with our existing 4.5W and 10W MotorPlugs and there is also a new amazing MotorPlug we are working on.

The AMEN is on production right now we will start selling it in May , much more information and pricing will follow.
Thanks Artemis