If you need to post images please use a service like IMGUR or tinypic. Sorry this is happening right now but we needed to move servers. The site outgrew its previous home in and needed to be moved. It also needed to be moved somewhere we could afford to maintain the site and to keep it free for EVERYONE.

If you need to add a photo right now here is the simple way to do it.

Go to tinypic.com, upload your image from your computer.
To make it load quickly go to the resize option and pick 640x480 or 800x600
It will make you fill out a simple captcha.
After its done it will list ways the image is linked.
copy the one that says for message boards it will have an IMG code.
paste that into the post and ta daa! your image is here! You can do the same with multiple different image hosting services that are 100% free.
Server storage costs a bunch of money, we opted to keep pm storage low-ish in the beginning to help allow for more image storage.

The site has existed since August 1st of 2010 and more than doubled in size each year. Aside from a few very kind and generous individuals and businesses that insisted on helping us when we where hit with bills for upgrades on the site we have kept this place free and have had less than a handful of server outages since the start. I am not a tech I work in media and Alie is a full time tattooer, some of this is above our pay grade so this is taking a little time to sort out. Please be patient and if you cant try the image upload tool I posted above. Tapatalk should still be able to host images for you as well if you are posting from your phone.