Thank you guys for the words of support. I appreciate it. I need to clarify some things as I've been getting a couple PMs. This small first batch is a first come first served basis for early support and these will be custom anodized finish which wont be available except maybe on special occasions. 2 faces and 1 body for 450$+shipping which is 10$ US and 15$ international sent as gift since it's a small run so not too worried about doing that. If you are interested in getting on this first batch there is a 3 to 4 week lead time max. Enough time to reverse paypal in case you are worried I wont deliver but I assure you I will be on time as my reputation is at stake. If you want to wait until machines are in hand you will have to wait until I take care of everyone on the waiting list which is 2 months out. I wont be contacting anyone on that list yet until this first batch is done and shipped. Anyone who has posted on the old thread is on that list but i wont be adding anymore people to it. People on the list will still get it for this price even if they don't get in on this first batch. People on the list wont get the special finishes though as this is only for early support. This is a public testing price and the final price wont be set until later but wont include 2 faces. I will post up some videos soon after I finish putting together some machines for the locals who have been supporting me through this process by testing. Yes you can buy faces and bodies separately later on. I machine everything here myself so if there are any issues I will personally resolve them in a reasonable amount of time. If anyone is interested please send me a PM here or on facebook or you can email me at [email protected] to get approved and get my paypal info. The sound is not too loud and weighs slightly over 4oz. A lot quieter than a coil machine. Thanks for your time and support. Thank you to everyone who has already bought one, I really appreciate you taking a chance on me.