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  1. #1
    Knows Whats Up! cagelavey's Avatar
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    cheyenne thunder and spirit opinions

    I hate to say it, because I have never been a fan of Cheyenne as a company, like at all. I hate how they made a big fuss about t-tech designing carts to fit Cheyenne machines and any other cart grips, t-tech grips included. Even to the point of bringing a law suit against t-tech. to me all that is bullshit, especially after using their machines (Cheyenne), because other companies creating carts or even grips(which weirdly, no law suits for the grips as of yet, that I know of) in no way can hinder the amazingness of the machines that they have created. I first got a spirit, and was completely blown away by the way it packed color, but even more so, how it excelled at color/black & gray blends. Of course I wasn’t happy with the way that I was able to line with the spirit, snags, snags, snags, and I don’t know, just weird feeling even when I lined in tight areas where snagging wasn’t an issue. In any event with lining aside, an excellent piece of equipment that made tattooing fun for me. So after being completely sold on the spirit I was determined to gain a thunder. So after getting my thunder, from the first line to the first shade to the first blend I feel like I found that one machine I’ve been searching for, for so many years. I can’t say there isn’t a better machine out there because obviously that is completely subjective, but I can say as of now it’s the perfect machine for me. I don’t know if being a billion dollar company gave them the ability to buy the best engineers and designers or what but to me this machine is like a work of art in its self. If I were a car guy id consider it a Bugatti. There are still machines I want to give a day in court like the direkt and the flite v2, both of those machines seem like they will be right up my alley also. The point of me writing this is because I fought so hard to not give these machines a chance because of my prejudice and I almost missed out on the experience of getting to use these game changing machines(in my eyes and opinion only). So to wrap all this up I fuckin love these machines and every time I get to use them(the thunder mostly, in all honesty) I’m sporting a crazy smile and have honestly shaken my head in disbelief after accomplishing a beast ass line or a smooth ass shade, at how easily it makes my job. So now that im done figuratively sucking the thunders dick, I’m out, lol. Just wanted to share how awesome my experience with the thunder/spirit has been, wouldn’t trade these machines for anything. Now a direkt and a flite v2 and ill be a happy motherfucker, peace ink slingers! time to hit the bars, nucca!


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    I think ill have to give a try now....

  4. #3
    Knows Whats Up! tatu richie's Avatar
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    they did actually put a lawsuit on t tech btw, not sure what the out come was but there was or is a suit

  5. #4
    Knows Whats Up! cagelavey's Avatar
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    yeah, that's what I meant to say. they sued t-tech and won, because t-tech, basically blew off the whole issue, never answered dead lines, or legitimately responded to the suit at all. at least that's what I got from reading the public documents I read. in any event they had to change the way the carts actually Locked into the grips or some shit. Not sure if this has been done yet or not, but I did call t-tech and what I could understand from the language barrier inhibited conversation was that, yes they had to make some changes to the carts, and yes they will still fit all the previous manufactured grips available at this point, and all the needles would be manufactured the same. That’s all I got from the convo, and honestly all I cared about, lol. In any event, i just like using t-techs, I do like Cheyenne carts, their mags kick ass but I just can’t get over 30 sum odd dollars for 10 fucking carts?! I mean seriously, a box of 7rl, 9rl, 9rm, 11rm, 15rm, 23rm, 5rs alone, just a few different needle variations and that’s over 210.00 not counting shipping in handling and that’s only 70 needles??!! Get the fuck out of here!, lol, what has two thumbs and won’t be doing that? This guy, lmao. But yeah they did sue their ass, and that is what got my goat the most. Mt. derm (Cheyenne) is a fucking huge business in cosmetic tattooing even before they decided to venture into the artistry end of the industry and have more money than god, and have an awesome product that sells like hotcakes and still want to wal-mart the fuck out of the lil guys trying to make a buck. Monopolizing the whole market and pushing out any competitors that want to carve a lil nitch in the industry. That’s like samuel o'reilly putting a patent on his first version of a coil machine and then suing anyone after. The industry wouldn’t have ever even have existed past what that cat would have allowed. At least it would have hindered it and slowed down the evolution of the industry just a bit. I think if you have a good product its going to stand on its own merit. Its not like t-tech stole the intellectual property from Cheyenne. In all honesty, in my opinion, other than them both being carts I don’t think that they are all that similar. Anyway, none of that is neither here nor there, lol, see I still have some negative feelings about the corporation as a whole, but the assholes went and made a great machine, lol. I cant say that the whole company is evil or anything, im sure if you were to compartmentalize it a bit there are pry quite a few decent fellows associated with the cooperate juggernauts, like their sponsored artist, etc. I just like bomb ass equipment that makes my life easier and more fun, and the hawks do that for me with all the other bullshit aside. I just hate seeing shit get inhibited in the industry. Of course there should be respect for intellectual property, people put a lot of time, money and skill into their inventions, Cheyenne included. But just think hypothetically if t-tech had come out with the first grip that could be used independent of the Cheyenne machine and used with coils and all other rotaries, and halted all other production of likeminded products of a similar nature? We wouldn’t have fki’s bad ass rpg’s, or bishops cart grips, or inkjectas, or tatsouls. We wouldn’t have been producing disposable cart grips yet either. i just think as long as you aren’t producing carbon copies of someone’s shit and trying to sell that shit like it’s your invention and respect is given where its due, then halting production on improved or just revised versions of something inhibits the whole evolution of the industry. Anyway, I want to let everyone know so they just don’t think im some blow hard spouting off at the mouth, I just got home from the alley cat(the bar) and im pretty fuckered up and typing the rants of an inebriated mind, so forgive me screaming from my pulpit, lol. Good night all and again sorry for ranting, lol.


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