A Girl...eh....hmmm, yeah sure. The condom adverts did make it!

This reminds me........

See, I live in this old Arizona mining town where they don't have two nickles to rub together and everything is falling apart. So I suggest an idea for a little economic development to the town manager.
In Arizona, prostitution is against the law.....like most places, and the town owns an old boarding house that in it's day had the part of the old west going on....

So my idea was that the town open "the condom store" where you would have friendly attendants who would help you try out or show the customers how to use condoms, and I thought the customers would pay about $200 per condom....remember, they would "show" how to use the finely crafted rubber devices to the customers......in any old fashion they liked. I thought it would be a great revenue generator!

Well the town manager didn't see it my way.....I don't know if he being an LDS bishop had anything to do with it???? His reaction was priceless.....I just sold it to him with a straight face.

Did I mention that I'm the "town asshole?" Got to the point where I would just introduce myself that way. Hi....(with a friendly handshake) I'm the town asshole......just ask my wife. True story