20 years ago bringing my machines on board would always cause delays and weird looks, as well as the occasional calling of a supervisor. Now I just keep them in my carry on and don't even mention the damn things. Them tv shows gots people knowin' what our secrets are! haha

ALSO: to fly with pigments, YES, check them with your luggage. I've got this formula down for preventing leaks and it's worked great for me.

1: take the cap off your pigment bottle and clean the inside of the cap and the screw-top of the bottle. Make sure there is no pigment on either part, as leaving it there can cause a capillary action and leakage under the air pressure in the luggage compartment.
2: take cling film (such as saran wrap) and place it over the bottle opening. Make sure you put it on tightly and deliberately, not loosely. Using Press-N-Seal is also good to ensure you have a tight seal on the rim of the bottle opening.
3: Screw cap back on to the bottle.
4: Use more cling film to completely wrap each individual bottle. Don't be stingy with the cling film at this point; really wrap the bottle well and make sure the wrap is tight.
5: Put the bottles into ziplock bags, then they are ready to go.

Using this method, I've never had a leak unless I forgot to properly clean the inside of the cap and the bottle threads. Obviously if you have a new, unopened bottle of pigment with a seal under the cap you can go right to the part of just wrapping the whole bottle with cling film and putting them into ziplock bags afterwards.

Also, DON'T CHEAP OUT ON THE CLING FILM OR SELF-SEALING BAGS! Discount brands will lead to sadness and pigment all over the place.