Quote Originally Posted by throwhammers View Post
I had one of the earlier machines (right before he started releasing pics of this model). Great machine. Super ugly. Extremely well built, and has some unique features like that adjustable stroke. Best tube vice ever. I did not find that it hit at all like a coil or sidewinder though.

I don't remember how i managed to order it. But i do remember that is was not easy. Or cheap. I think i found an email address somewhere. I'll see if I can find it...

This is the email I used: [email protected]

That was a year ago. Don't know if he still uses it now.
When you adjust the stroke, do you have to adjust the tube to compensate for any requisitioning of the stroke's end and start position? In other words, do the needle tips back off into the tube when you shorten the stroke?

Like a coil machine, when you lengthen the stroke, you have to compensate by moving the tube up because the stroke always ends when the armature bar hits the coils. On regular rotaries with adjustable cams, the stroke lengthens and shortens in both directions away from the central position of the stroke.

So do the needle tips of the needles always stay flush with the tip of the tube and the needles only move outward when the stroke is adjusted?

Sorry for the long question.