Quote Originally Posted by slicksteel View Post
What I was trying to say is that you can take a "well made low end machine and tune it up etc and make it run well" I was not talking about a junk 10 doller machines that have mismatched coils ,crap springs etc. true a well made machine makes tattooing easier to perform.
"well made low end machine"? Didn't know there was such an animal? But yeah, I get that you can tune one up for the better, but for the most part you can't polish a turd...and you're talking coil machines right? because with rotaries you pretty much get what you get. Sure, you can make parts, change this, change that, bla, bla, bla...one guy in here was talking about having bought a Chinese knock off and being able to turn it into a half decent running machine by doing a bunch of crap to it. That's all good if your looking for something to do and bored out of your mind, I'd rather buy something that runs like a beast right out of the box.