1. The housing is made from Polyurethane composite. It weighs approximately 4 oz without the LED attachment. I would add about a .5 oz with the retractable LED. The light has not been manufactured yet.
2. You can clean it with alcohol or madacide, avoid the autoclave lol.
3. If the Centri does well on the market, of course there will be the aluminum model, also a anniversary Titanium version.
4. The first few batches Im making will be black, once the centri receives a large following it will be available in multiple colors. Unfortunately I’m not rich and cannot provide all those options yet.
5. The LED light is RETRACTABLE, it folds forward when in use or fold it back if you so choose not to use it. It turns on automatically when the light is retracted. I will post image on my site of the Centri’s first concept design that can give you a idea of how it works, Note this is a old version of the machine so you will have to imagine it on the new housing. Also im going to hide this image on my site so that only you guys can see it. Go to my site and after the address put /oldversion.jpg
6. I run mine between 4-5 volts, 4 for lining then raise it for packing or shading, I commonly use 13 mags at that speed, I had to turn it up to 5.5 for a 32 mag. This machine has not been compared to any other rotary cause of the centrifugal power system it uses just can’t be compared to a rotary, I would love to hear people’s opinions on how it compares to they’re coils because the full give the Centri provides.
7. If there is a issue or you need to contact us for support, you just email us with a description of the support you need and we will contact you back within 24 hours.
8. The internal motor has a life time warranty, if the motor stops working and needs to be replaced, at this time I would have to have you send me the machine and we will replace the motor. NOTE: The machine has a security seal between the two bodies that create the housing. Once the seal has been broken the warranty would no longer be valid. Each machine will come with documentation explaining the do’s and don’ts along with warranty information.
9. Ive been using the machine for about 3 months now, it works amazing but that something you have to see to believe it. I will post a pic of a tattoo I did last night under this post if im able to.
10. As for max stitches, Im actually afraid to find out lol. In the documentation it will state do not raise your voltage past 8-9 on your machine will pretty much self destruct internally. It has safety documentation like “WARNING- lower your power supply to 0 and slowly raise it to your own desire when using the machine for the first time ”.
11. You can achieve any stoke length you desire within a half inch, The give is completely 100 percent. You can grab and stop the needle bar as the machine still runs with no damage to the motor. You could tattoo a brick and run your tube on it and still not damage this machine. Just like a coil… I cant really explain this, im trying the best I can. I will get some close video of the needle bar in action. There is nothing like this so I cant compare it. This machine utilizes a rotary motor but you really cant classify it as a rotary. The machine got its name from the centrifugal system I invited which is no were near the way ANY rotary on the market operates. It deserved a patient! Ok I hope this helps everyone that is interested. Talk to you guys soon I have to go hurt some people.