It's nothing like the centri in my opinion. It's like a coil but faster and really consistent. If you get in touch with Mark or Grady they may be able to make adjustments to suit you. I was leery about the give since I've been a no give user for a while but I was challenged to use it for everything for a week and I've done everything from simple names to that dragon piece above, started a large bng piece today and have a large one tomorrow with a lot of linework and bng . So far so good for me. It took a while today to get comfy doing bng with give. But with the stiffened give spring in mine and the fast speed of the machine I was able to get comfy.

The hardest part of using only this machine this week has been reaching past my new Edge machine to make myself use it lol. But once I set up and get going I am happy I have the Scribe. Next week I'll use the edge and see if I like it as good as this