Quote Originally Posted by darkness View Post
i 'm more and more Disappointed about this machine and a lot false infos to me ! He tell me its running on every power supply - than i get info every pre-order gets one free ....later i notice over his web page its needs the special power supply ,every gets the supply and after he tell me to use only standarts to hold it easy i notice you need special RCA wire .....

I have get info thats the magnet power comes from Motor and now i knowing its a neodym magnet thats spinning from the Motor. What is coming later .... Body is plastic and i need a special power and needles ?

Than i get info thats a discount for the first buyers .... Now its 45 usd ?
Is it possible you just misunderstood?

From the beginning it said it needed it's own power supply (because they chose to take the brushless motor controller off of the machine to keep the machine small. The controller is in the power supply (the flight has the controller board in the machine)) and that the power supply comes with the machine.

From the video it looks like just a standard stereo mini plug cable going into the machine. Can't tell what's on the power supply end.

I never saw anywhere that the magnets get their power from the motor, it was always pretty clear that they were neodymium magnets.

The discount is more like $65.

I don't know, all the info I got has been the same from the beginning until now.