Been using T-techs and like them, minus their liners. Tried the EZ carts a few months back and even upon visual inspection the quality isn't there, used one and thought they were cheap garbage in my opinion. Just got the elites in the other day and I would say they are pretty comparable with T-Techs. The mags have been working awesome. I did run into one serious issue using one of their liners last night though and it solidified my decision to just stick with traditional needle and tube setup for lining. I was lining a piece with one of their 8RL's and the little internal rubber band/o-ring snapped and the drive bar slammed the needle down so far that the plastic drive pin shot inside the cartridge. I 100% believe that if my reaction time wasn't quick enough, pulling the machine away that the needle would have literally stuck into my client, it shot out that hard. I run my machines slow too, lining at around 7.7 volts or somewhere in there. Never had an issue like that with a T-Tech so definitely something to watch out for and be aware of.