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  1. #1
    Knows Whats Up! e_Bangs's Avatar
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    Somebody owes me some money I said how about using magnets before anyone started using magnets on here.... Pay up!!!! Lol

  2. #2
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    After reading everything that everyone has written I have to point a couple things out that might help you understand why these guys are pissed.
    Seth Ciferri has been building machines for years and is partnered up with Soba with Workhorse Irons where they also sell ink and needles along with other builders machines. Now Seth is partnered up with Bill from Waverly and Grime. Now the three of them own Black Claw Tattoo supply and sell needles and Bills ink. Now all these individuals are in a sense taking ideas and such from each other but the difference that is getting missed is these are all tattoo artist working in the industry. I think the problem is that with only 5-10 years in this industry you do not truly understand the tradition,pride and respect for the old ways and how stuff was and should be done. I love the advances in our industry but would go back 20 years to when there was more honor in the industry any day cause it wasn't over saturated and there weren't anywhere as many sell outs. 20 years ago no one would of even looked twice at those lance guys if for no other reason than respect for the others inside. I will only buy machines, inks and any other supplies I can from artist. I believe in keeping it in the family so to speak. Does this make me any better than anyone..... No! But it's my integrity and I won't bend on that

    Last edited by Tattooalleypa; 09-08-2015 at 04:09 AM.

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  4. #3
    Senior Member Butternuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tattooalleypa View Post
    After reading everything that everyone has written I have to point a couple things out that might help you understand why these guys are pissed.
    Seth Ciferri has been building machines for years and is partnered up with Soba with Workhorse Irons where they also sell ink and needles along with other builders machines. Now Seth is partnered up with Bill from Waverly and Grime. Now the three of them own Black Claw Tattoo supply and sell needles and Bills ink. Now all these individuals are in a sense taking ideas and such from each other but the difference that is getting missed is these are all tattoo artist working in the industry. I think the problem is that with only 5-10 years in this industry you do not truly understand the tradition,pride and respect for the old ways and how stuff was and should be done. I love the advances in our industry but would go back 20 years to when there was more honor in the industry any day cause it wasn't over saturated and there weren't anywhere as many sell outs. 20 years ago no one would of even looked twice at those lance guys if for no other reason than respect for the others inside. I will only buy machines, inks and any other supplies I can from artist. I believe in keeping it in the family so to speak. Does this make me any better than anyone..... No! But it's my integrity and I won't bend on that

    I respect what you're saying Frank. I can apply that to something I did for 20 years of my life, motocross and freestyle motocross. Back when I was hard into that stuff you learned all your tricks 35 ft in the air over a 75ft gap, ramp to dirt. As you can imagine, that didn't go so well all the time (falling from that height plus getting tackled by 240lbs of metal and rubber isn't the greatest feeling in the world) but when you pulled something off or went to a competition and seen other guys doing some really cool shit there was a higher level of respect there b/c they probably took a lot of hits perfecting that. Nowadays they have huge foam pits, like the bmx guys use, that these guys can practice all these crazy backflip variables, 360's, etc for months on end and not have to worry about getting really fucked up (which, don't get me wrong, is a good thing.) Now when I see someone doing a front flip on a dirtbike at the X-Games or something, yeah that's crazy shit no doubt about it, but I know that guy practiced that into a foam pit for months and had it dialed in before he got to the competition. Not like Carey Hart (Yes, the Hart and Huntington Tattoo shop owner) back at the gravity games in early 2000's that tried the backflip for the first time in his life 35 ft in the air over dirt. Everyone at the venue or watching from their television could feel what was going through his head. To me, the sport was more exciting back then. I'm sure the 20+ year tattooers on here feel the same way about the tattoo industry, like you're saying. Everything is going to evolve and progress and move forward whether we want it to or not. I agree there are a lot of sell outs in the industry but a company trying to bring a product to the table to make our jobs easier and offer another level of defense against disease transmission isn't one of them. Sell outs, to me, are the douche bag tattoo artists that think and behave like they are some sort of rockstar badass and the world owes them something b/c they can sit on their ass for 7 hours and doodle on someones skin. There are a lot of those guys around and a lot of them on television. Yes it is a rewarding feeling to finish a piece and know that you did really well on it but too many guys let that go to their heads to where they become punks and that's not a good look on anyone or any industry. I'm just an average Joe doing what I can to take care of a wife and two kids so I put a lot of hours in a week, miss out on a lot of shit and right now this machine is making my day go a little easier.

  5. #4
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    I understand what you are saying and you are absolutely fucking right that you do what you need to do for family first and foremost! As far as the elitist mentality goes unfortunately there will always be "that guy" in every industry in the world. Now if you like that unit and feel it makes your life and job easier then that's your decision and right but do not think for one second that these guys are doing anything to make our job easier or bring it to another level for our industry cause the truth is they don't give 2 fucks about any of us or our industry they are just jumping on a fad wanting to get rich. With them it's not about advances and perserving anything they are just a parasite sucking what they can till the next thing they feel can get them rich comes along.


  6. #5
    Machine Builder I build Tattoo Machines slicksteel's Avatar
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    The only thing i got to say is I am kinda glad lace made one because it pushed john to come out with a much better/lighter machine that looks like it will totally kick ass all over the lace! Also it has help spread the word to newer tattooers about john machines that did not know about them before.On the upside I think john is old school and would not have wanted to sell to the yuppie/you owe me something crowd that lace will cater to anyways.So John think of lace as a way to weed out that crowd of people and get free promos for your goods to the new young guys that are being taught in a traditional manner.John, For every negative there is a plus side-you just got to find it.

    SSI -SUPER SLICK IRONS-top shelf custom coil machines
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  8. #6
    Senior Member Butternuts's Avatar
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    There is absolutely no such thing as bad press. All this drama is doing, and is going to do, is put more money in the builder's pockets. Whether it's Lacenano or John Clark, they are both benefiting from this whole ordeal and getting free advertisement from it. I don't understand the fad you are talking about? It seems to me that the current fad in regards to tattoo machines at the moment are cartridge specific machines.

  9. #7
    Knows Whats Up! brandonmull's Avatar
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    i can say that while, i do not plan to buy a lace nano, that i have a few machines i use that are working fine for me at the moment. no need to fix what isn't broken, right?

  10. #8
    Senior Member Panos tattoo's Avatar
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    I do agree that the nano will push john to improve even more his machine as the new breed of tattooists pushed the older guys improve their tattoo skills in order to continue to work .i ve seen tattooists with 5years of experience do pieces that blow my head of,especially the ones that do photo realism. For my case sometimes i bang my head on the wall seeing kids that have no clue of the tattoo culture, or dont know how to tune a machine ,or make a needle ,come out from a graphic design university go to a tattoo school (wtf?!?!) and do tattoos that took me years to learn how to do because back then a lot of things were kept secret and not for all.i cant do anything though but to try to improve myself and my does leave a bitter taste in my mouth saying for the nano i wouldnt buy something from a guy that has no tattoos because in my head its as if he doesnt like them or doesnt approve what i wear and why i do it.i have a friend though who doesnt think this way and purchased a i told him i want to see this thing that made upset half of the tattoo world.
    First thought when i saw it was the size defines the name. Smallest thing i ever saw .so is the weight.when i plugged it on the p.s. i noticed that the vibrations could satisfy any woman just by holding it in her hand.thats the drawback of lacking weight.but what really made me say man you just threw 600 plus euros in the trash was the ups and downs of the sounded like a heartbeat instead of a continuous hum.i tweaked the screws for stroke and give and at some points it was improved but it was not eliminated. When its loaded the vibrations seem less but still its the worst machine i run on that point.the give is nothing like ive seen before.i cant say it exists or it doesn't. Its either hard or too in between steps.from what i saw i didnt want to use it on a tattoo.and all this gave me the impression that its overestimated.600 euro is waaaay much for it.

  11. #9
    Senior Member Butternuts's Avatar
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    I will post a pic or video of how I have the machine set up to run quite, very minimal vibration with disposable tubes and consistent. The area of the needle bar that gets tension put on it from the rubber band is pretty high up on these machines but I figured out a way to get the band down lower and it makes a big difference.
    Last edited by Butternuts; 09-12-2015 at 12:35 AM.

  12. #10
    Senior Member eduki's Avatar
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    Looks like a quiet machine, about the vibration... Did you try it with long strokes?


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