Quote Originally Posted by Cyberitual View Post
For having bad hands you can type alot... the only reason somebody copied you is because there are a lot of people like you, ones who pay less, who don't care, who don't support the the inventor but rather tail the pirates for scraps. My balls hang just right...
That's because I have a lot to say to closed-minded people like you. The only reason someone copied me is b/c they seen I had a good, unprotected idea and had the means and finances to exploit it and produce it faster and in more quantities than I could. I was a one man show. That's freaking business, man. It's absolutely inevitable if someone comes up with a great idea someone else it going to dissect it and figure out how to make it better. Would Clarks magnetic rotary have been reworked so that the needle stops in the upward position if it wasn't for these Lacenano guys making that change?? Why did he make that change all of the sudden?? Because it's a good idea and his design was improved upon. That's all I have to say to you. I started this thread trying to get a review on a new machine, not bicker back and forth on the internet. To the guys on here looking for a review on this thing I just got it in two hours ago. When I get to put some time on it (probably going to wait and do a piece on a good friend of mine to try it out) I'll post my thoughts on it. I'm not supporting anything, if it sucks I'm going to tell ya it sucks but so far I'm pretty impressed right out of the box.