someone would turn to rotaries because of weight and tunning discomfort.why get a sidewinder then?its as heavy as a lightweight coil machine and it needs constand tunning unlike a coil machine that needs tunning once a year. and with upgrades from dan makes the previus model lose value.the whip onthe other hand needs no tunning and its the same since it was released.the cutback has a stronger motor to be more cart advantage for travellers that was not mentioned is how solid and durable build it can throw it in a back pack and dont worry for gettin damages or untunne.not that anyone would but i like havin a machine that its not a delicade tool like the rest of the machines.for fuck sakes ive seen a video on youtube with Tony Oliver thowing here and there the machine to show how durable it is.
i repect dan and i bow to his skills but on this debay tony passed through with a 1000 miles in my opinion