Its a bit weird for me. I definitely like the Hawk. I prefer a shorter stoke, unless Im lining. So, I thought I would like the Spirit. But, I really didnt. So I went with the thunder, because it seems to have a little more ass to it, and although the stroke is too long for my liking, I can just adjust it with the grip and I have the stroke I want. I am torn on whether to keep the thunder and use it and get to know it, or if I want to trade it for an Edge, and get to know that one instead. I just dont know. Im kind of tired of using so many different machines ( Im a machine whore, and love collecting and using diff machines ). Im just kind of too the point to where I want to just find that ONE machine that feels like it was made for me, and use only it. Up until now, the Halo was my fav machine by far. My dilemma now, is do I want to learn the thunder or the edge. I cant really buy a new one right now, with the holidays running up on us and having kids, another $600 machine just isnt in my budget until after Xmas.
On the thunder. Is the thunder "too much" for realistic color blending layering. I have heard a few people say the Thunder really isnt suited for that. More for line work and solid color work.