I'd like to get a list of manufacturers of Pen/Cartridge type machines going and a link to those manufacturers, excluding cosmetic brands.
Please post the one's you know of and I'll add them. Here are the one's I've seen on the market. I'd love to pin this somewhere, admins tell me where I can do this!
Stylus http://www.stylusmachine.com/
Cheyenne Hawk Pen http://cheyennetattoo.com/en/hawk-pen/
Nedz MR03 http://www.nedzrotary.com/nedz-mr03-micro-rotary.html
LOD http://exclusivedevices.de/
EZ Filter Pen http://www.eztattooing.com/views.asp?hw_id=248
Helios Rotary Pen http://www.heliostattoo.com/Helios-R...Pen-p/htv1.htm
Immortal Innovations Bumblebee http://immortalinnovations.co.uk/
Epitat https://www.razorbladeproducts.com/x...ch-epi-pk.html
EQUALISER Proton http://www.kwadron.pl/en/equaliser-proton.html
Vanity http://tatuat.ro/index.php?route=pro...ry&path=60_282