Well thanks to Marc I had the opportunity to try about all 7 different configurations on my fiancé and an old customer so far. I like the liners a lot. The Mags I tried were curved #10 bug pins but since I tattoo with straight Mags these seemed to curve for me. But I never got around curve Mags. How I tattoo,it seems like I'm not aware of how many needle are actually going in.

At the beginning I noticed the needles were a bit noisier than hawk or ttech but that didn't bother me at all and they seemed to get quieter with use.

I'm sure this will get revised pretty soon.

I like the fact that the Mags are held by the side rails of the tip giving you that steady stroke without flapping.

So far other than Cheyenne and T Tech this are the only needles that I've tried that seemed to be done right and not just another cartridge. And I tired them all constantly.

The locking mechanism performs and twist all the way. Unlike other brands that they stay half way locked, fit too tight or too lose.

I'm sure I'll be able to assess the quality and performance with more tattoos but so far so good. I am back to tattooing at least one or two pieces a week so I expect to order a good assortment of them soon. A lot of old pieces to be finished 😊

Good job Marc.

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